The Norwegian Touring Theatre (Riksteatret)

The Norwegian Touring Theatre (Riksteatret) was established by law in 1949. The aim of The Norwegian Touring Theatre is providing performing arts for all of Norway. The Norwegian Touring Theatre is national property. The first production the theatre performed was Sigurd Christiansen’s A Journey in the Night. The premiere took place in Kirkenes.


(Objekt ID 2662)
Object type Organization
Organization type National institution
Main focus Theatre
Established December 13, 1948
Email post(at)
Website Riksteatret

Contact information

Address Gullhaug Torg 2, 0484 Oslo, Norway
Email post(at)
Telefon 24144200

Other information

Legal entity Other
Org nr. 974 907 550

The Norwegian Touring Theatre has a small ensemble and the theatre hires artists on a per production basis. The Norwegian Touring Company also collaborates with different institution theatres and independent companies.

The Norwegian Touring Theatre had earlier its own puppetry division and the theatre also toured dance productions.


The Norwegian Touring Theatre,, 25.10.2010,

Contributors (11)
Wenche Viktorsdatter Paulsen – Theatre director (fra January 1, 2025)
Arne Nøst – Theatre director (fra 2020 til December 31, 2024)
Knud Bjørne-Larsen – Managing-director (fra August 1, 2016)
Tom Remlov – Theatre director (fra April 1, 2015 til 2020)
Ellen Horn – Theatre director (fra February 1, 2005 til March 31, 2015)
Bente Erichsen – Theatre director (fra 1996 til 2005)
Terje Hartviksen – Theatre director (fra 1994 til 1996)
Anne Gullestad – Theatre director (fra 1988 til 1994)
Gudrun Waadeland – Theatre director (fra 1975 til 1987)
Eivind Hjelmtveit – Theatre director (fra 1968 til 1975)
Frits von der Lippe – Theatre director (fra 1949 til 1968)