a national performing arts archive
All galleriesTheatre puppets on Norwegian stages from 1945 to 2023(1666)
Theatre puppets, in Norway often referred to as theatre figures (the Norwegian word is teaterfigurer), have been used in performances on Norwegian stages for generations, to the delight of audiences in all age groups. They have performed in venues large and small, and they have taken part in movies and TV productions. But when the spotlights are turned off and the puppets leave the stage - where do they go? The ugly duckling, Hedda Gabler, Mister Hare - the baker in the Hunchback Wood, or the peaceful man? Or the TV stars Pompel and Pilt, and Titten Tei? Do they still exist, or are they gone? Are they hidden, or perhaps forgotten?
When it comes to the state of the puppets, much is unknown, and little is documented. That is why we, in collaboration with the Sceneweb archive, have started the work of documenting, registering, and collecting an exciting selection of theatre puppets used in performances at Norwegian stages from 1945 onwards. This is the start of a treasure hunt. Welcome to the Theatre puppet gallery!
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