Concerts Norway

Concerts Norway is a national institution established in 1967 to stimulate regional music communities in Norway. Today Concerts Norway is Norway's largest concert producer and promoter.

Every year some 800 performers meet more than a million listeners in 80 different locations all over the country. Concerts Norway conveys concerts to all of Norway. Annually some 10 000 concerts are arranged, some of which are public, some of which are school concerts and some of which are concerts in kindergartens.


(Objekt ID 26030)
Object type Organization
Organization type National institution
Main focus Music
Established 1967
Website Forside - Rikskonsertene

Contact information

Address Postboks 4261 Nydalen , 0401 Oslo, Norway
Telefon 22 02 59 00

Other information

Legal entity Other
Org nr. 974 761 114

Concerts Norway was established after an initiative from Arts Council Norway, with its mission described as follows:

"Concerts Norway is to make live music of high artistic quality available for all people in the country.".

The organization had its opening concert in the hall of Hammerfest school January 4 1968, with the artists Liv Glaser, Eva Knardal, Kjell Bækkelund, Robert Levin and Arve Tellefsen, plus Aase Nordmo Løvberg.

Concerts Norway is today underneath the Ministry of Culture and its main responsibility is still to make varied music and culture, though more varied than to begin with, available for all of the country.

The later years Concerts Norway has to an increasing degree opened for other arenas, and also arranges concerts for open audiences, for instance Oslo World Music Festival. The recent years Concerts Norway has worked to promote new, young performers within jazz, traditional music and classical music.

The position as CEO is filled through six-year terms. The most recent leaders are Einar Solbu, who filled the position for two terms, followed in 2006 by Åse Kleveland. Turid Birkeland took over in 2012.

The management consists of approximately 60 employees. Leif Holst Jensen is the leader of the board. Thorstein Granly is chief responsible for the concerts, with Scott Rogers as responsible for the concerts for children.


Concerts Norway,, 02.02.2012,

Wikipedia, den frie encyclopedi,, 02.02.2012,

Contributors (1)
Åse Kleveland – Managing-director (fra 2006 til 2012)