The Physicists

The Physicists (1963) was a theatre production by The Norwegian Touring Theatre, based on the play by Friedrich Dürrenmatt. The production went on tour in the autumn, opening in Kongsvinger.

Knut Thomassen directed it.

Ella Hval played the role of Mathilde von Zahnd.

Per Gjersøe played the role of Möbius.


(Objekt ID 76891)
Object type Production
Premiere September 7, 1963
Produced by The Norwegian Touring Theatre (Riksteatret)
Based on The Physicists by Friedrich Dürrenmatt
Audience Adults
Number of events 73
Language Norwegian
Keywords Drama, Theatre
Running period September 7, 1963  —  Navember 24, 1963


The Norwegian Touring Theatre's archive, donated by The Norwegian Touring Theatre, 23.08.2017

Contributors (19)
Name Role
Friedrich Dürrenmatt – Playwright
Knut Thomassen – Direction
Gunnar Alme – Stage design
Gunnar Alme – Costume design
Roy Bjørnstad – Actor (Richard Voss, politiinspektør)
Pelle Christensen – Actor (Herr Forord / Ernst Heinrich Ernesti, kalt Einstein, pasient)
Gerda Diesen – Actor (Fru Lina Rose)
Per Gjersøe – Actor (Johann Wilhelm Möbius, pasient)
Sylvia Grinsbury – Actor (Jörg-Lucas, fru Roses sønn)
Ella Hval – Actor (Dr., frk. Mathilde von Zahnd, overlege)
Kaare Kløvtvedt – Actor (Uwe Sievers, overpleier)
Karen Randers-Pehrson – Actor (Monica Stettler, sykepleierske)
Gregor Severin – Actor (Wilfried-Kaspar, fru Roses sønn)
Randi Sommer – Actor (Marta Boll, oversøster)
Johan Sverre – Actor (Herbert Georg Beutler, kalt Newton, pasient)
Noralv Teigen – Actor (Adolf-Friedrich, fru Roses sønn / Blocher, politimann)
Knut Ørvig – Actor (Misjonær Oskar Rose)
Kaare Kløvtvedt – Stage manager
Kaare Kløvtvedt – Tour manager
Performance dates
September 7, 1963Riksteatret, The Norwegian Touring Theatre (Riksteatret) Opening night