Klara, villsvinet og den lille musikkfabrikken* (Klara, the wild boar and the little music factory)

Klara, villsvinet og den lille musikkfabrikken* (Klara, the wild boar and the little music factory) (2020) was a musical theatre production for children by The Norwegian Touring Theatre, The Oslo Philharmonic, Wakka Wakka and Animondo. The production opened at The Norwegian Touring Theatre in Oslo prior to being performed on tour, with its tour opening in Tromsø.

Kirjan Waage directed it.

*Not yet translated into the English. The title within parentheses is the Norwegian title's literal meaning.


(Objekt ID 94739)
Object type Production
Premiere March 5, 2020
Produced by The Norwegian Touring Theatre (Riksteatret), Oslo Philharmonic Orchestra, Wakka Wakka Productions, Animondo
Audience Children
Language Norwegian
Keywords Performance for children, Musical theatre
Running period March 5, 2020  


The Norwegian Touring Theatre, www.riksteatret.no, 25.10.19, https://www.riksteatret.no/repertoar/klara-villsvinet-og-den-lille-musikkfabrikken/