
Pinocchio (1993) was a production by Collage Dansekompani and The Norwegian Touring Theatre.


Buresund, Inger and Anne-Britt Gran (1996): Frie grupper og Black Box Teater. 1970-1995 (literally: Independent companies and Black Box Teater. 1970-1995), adNotam Gyldendal, Oslo

E-mail from Marit Krogeide, 14.08.2012


(Objekt ID 30252)
Object type Production
Premiere January 30, 1993
Produced by Collage Dance Company
In collaboration with The Norwegian Touring Theatre (Riksteatret), Black Box Teater
Based on Pinocchio by Carlo Collodi
Audience Families, Children (from 5)
Number of events 21
Language Norwegian
Keywords Dance, Performance for the Family, Performance for children, Dance theatre
Running period January 30, 1993  —  1994

Requirements to venue

Minimum stage width 10m
Minimum stage depth 10m
Festivals (1)
Norge Danser January 30, 1993
Press coverage

Writer and date unknown, Klassekampen [Oslo]:
"This adventurous production has become an exciting meeting point for different artistic expressions and storytelling techniques. In use are dance, puppetry, masks, shadow theatre, 'ordinary' theatre in a nicely balanced interchange with many surprising effects. [...] Despite some technical flaws [...] this was an adventurous and different production. Magically beautiful in the poetic language of the dream."

Writer and date unknown, Verdens Gang/VG [Oslo]:
"It has become an exciting performance, very well worth seeing, as it appeals to both adults and children. [...] The effort these three collaborators have started is an important one."

Writer and date unknown, Arbeiderbladet [Oslo]:
"The most innovative part of the production was the use of shadow theatre, in a way reminiscent of the Indonesian tradition, wayang kulit, binding the actions together in an entertaining and actually pretty exciting way."