The Painter


(Objekt ID 36161)
Object type Production
Premiere June 4, 2013
Produced by Jo Strømgren Kompani,
Coproducers Nordland Visual Theatre, Oldenburgisches Staatstheater
In collaboration with The Norwegian Touring Theatre (Riksteatret)
Audience Adults
Language English, German, French and Dutch
Keywords Puppetry, Theatre
Running period June 4, 2013  
Contributors (16)
Name Role
Marc Becker – Text
Marc Becker – Concept/Idea
Ulrike Quade – Concept/Idea
Jo Strømgren – Concept/Idea
Jo Strømgren – Direction
Jacqueline Steijlen – Costume
Maria Landgraf – Puppet designer
Ulrike Quade – Puppet designer
Lars Årdal – Sound design
Jo Strømgren – Lighting design
Ulrike Quade – Actor
Cat Smits – Actor
Ulrike Quade – Puppeteer
Cat Smits – Puppeteer
Knut Bry – Photo (Forestillingsfoto)
Sara Serrano – Director’s assistant
Teaterfigurer (1)
Festivals (2)