The Defeat

The Defeat (1978) was a theatre production by The Norwegian Touring Theatre, based on the play by Nordahl Grieg. The production was first performed as summer theatre in the facilities The Norwegian Touring Theatre used at the time, in Ridehuset, Akershus Fortress, prior to going on tour in sports halls the autumn of 1978. The tour opened in Hamar September 4.

Pål Løkkeberg directed it.

The production was the third production by The Norwegian Touring Theatre to be performed in a tour of sports halls in Norway.

52 persons travelled on the tour, making it one of the greatest tour efforts in The Norwegian Touring Theatre's history.


(Objekt ID 44118)
Object type Production
Premiere June 21, 1978
Produced by The Norwegian Touring Theatre (Riksteatret)
Based on The Defeat by Nordahl Grieg
Audience Adults
Audience size 9227
Number of events 32
Language Norwegian
Keywords Drama, Theatre, Political Theatre
Running period June 21, 1978  


Einar Dahl's private archive, donated by Einar Dahl, 10.11.2014

Performance dates