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Forestillingsprogram for Teater Manus produksjon Gråtende hender (2018) pdf February 1, 2018 Download

Teater Manu

Teater Manu was established in 1999 as Norsk Tegnspråkteater. The theatre is a national touring theatre using sign language as its stage language. The productions are performed with a voice actor so that all members of the audience, independent of their knowledge of sign language, can find the same value in the performances.

The theatre celebrated its 10 year anniversary in 2011, and keeps harvesting greater recognition for its artistic work. For instance the theatre received Hedda nominations for Pinocchio (2009) and for Jeg var Fritz Moen* (I was Fritz Moen) (2011). The production about Fritz Moen also won the award for best performing arts of the year, given out by the free newspaper Natt & Dag.

Teater Manu has offices and its stage in the borough of Grünerløkka in Oslo.


(Objekt ID 2622)
Object type Organization
Also known as Formerly: Norsk Tegnspråkteater
Organization type Producing
Main focus Theatre, Performing arts, Multidisciplinary art, Visual art
Established 1999
Email info@teatermanu.no
Website Teater Manu

Contact information

Address Christies gate 5, 0557 Oslo, Norway
Email info@teatermanu.no
Telefon 23407400

Other information

Legal entity Foundation
Org nr. 985401586
Member of Association of Norwegian Theatres and Orchestras

In 2011 ten years had passed since Teater Manu was established. The theatre aims to become the world's best theatre, springing out from the culture and community of the deaf.

In 2010 the theatre received a total of three Hedda nominations, and it has long been active also internationally. Hearing theatre fans without knowledge of sign language have also had their eyes opened to the visual pleasures the stage language gives. Teater Manu's productions always use voice actors to reach a wider audience.

The idea about a theatre for deaf culture is not new. As early as the 1890es there was performed theatre for the deaf in the student house Studentersamfunnet and in Tivoli in Kristiania (Oslo), as well as other bigger cities across the country. And throughout the ages the deaf have performed for each other, through telling stories in sign language whenever meeting within the deaf communities.

In 2001 The Norwegian Parliament decided that a sign language theatre with headquarters in Oslo was to be established. The Norwegian Association of the Deaf established the theatre.

Today Teater Manu is based in a modern building in Oslo, with good rehearsal and performance facilities in addition to offices and meeting rooms. The theatre is financed via the national budget.

Teater Manu has a wide scope. Besides theatre, ranging from classical theatre to farces, via theatre for children and youth, cultural café events and newly written drama the theatre arranges workshops for people of all ages. Teater Manu invites visiting performances from several countries, and has started collaboration with Oslo National Academy of the Arts to educate deaf actors.

"With roots in deaf culture and sign language the theatre has incorporated characteristics to create new, distinct and exciting cultural expressions", the theatre's artistic director and CEO Mira Zuckermann says. She has led the theatre since its conception in August 2000.


Teater Manu, www.teatermanu.no, 22.10.2012, http://www.teatermanu.no/teater_manus_historie/cms/10

Venues (1)
Contributors (2)
Janne Langaas – Theatre director (fra January 1, 2022)
Mira Zuckermann – Theatre director (fra 1999 til December 31, 2021)