Exit Hamlet

Exit Hamlet (2013) was a theatre production by Teater Manu, a reflection on Hamlet by William Shakespeare. The artists behind it called it "a stage poem". The production went on tour in Norway, and visited Stockholm and Copenhagen.

Jon Tombre directed it.

Exit Hamlet visited the festival Clin d'Oeil in Reims, France in June 2013.


(Objekt ID 36314)
Object type Production
Premiere April 13, 2013
Produced by Teater Manu
Based on Hamlet AKA The Tragedy of Hamlet, Prince of Denmark by William Shakespeare
Audience Adults, Youth
Number of events 18
Language Sign language (Norwegian)
Keywords Sign-language Theatre, Drama
Running period April 13, 2013  
Website teater MANU

Teater Manu called Exit Hamlet "a journey in imagery, in which we meet five young performers going through constant change", and "a stage poem springing out from Shakespeare's world famous tragedy".

At the webpage of Teater Manu the following, among other things, is written about Exit Hamlet:

"Fundamental questions about being a human are raised. What gives life and what takes life? What is meaningful and what is not? Which are the choices we have, can we change, and can we change the lives we are leading? And eventually, what makes life worth living?


The production challenges in its openness, and gives the spectators the opportunity to create their own understanding. For Teater Manu this stage experiment is unique in the sense that it is linguistically universal. No voice actor will be used, because the word is not at the centre at this occasion. The visual, sense-oriented and direct emotional, aspects the hearing and the deaf have equal access to, is what the production puts its emphasis on."


Teater Manu, www.teatermanu.no, 10.03.2014, http://www.teatermanu.no/exit-hamlet

Import from the Scenekunst.no list of openings 17.09.2013

Einar Dahl's private archive, donated by Einar Dahl, 10.12.2014

Contributors (13)
Name Role
William Shakespeare – Playwright
Jon Tombre – Direction
Huy Le Vo – Dramaturge
Kathrine Tolo – Stage design
Kathrine Tolo – Costume design
Reidar Richardsen – Lighting design
Niklas Andersson – Actor
Aino Hakala – Actor
Remi Roos – Actor
Daniel Klingen Borg – Circus artist
Jacob Emil Klingen Borg – Circus artist
Helena Marie Andersson – Wigs
Fin Serck-Hanssen – Photo
Performance dates
July 22, 2013  (Clin d'Oeil) visiting performance
July 7, 2013  (Clin d'Oeil) visiting performance
April 13, 2013Teater Manus scene Opening night
Festivals (1)
Clin d'Oeil July 7, 2013