Evelyn og de grønne* (Evelyn and the green ones)

Evelyn og de grønne* (Evelyn and the green ones) (2009) was a theatre production by The Arctic Theatre. It was based on a play by Kjell Kristensen, in turn based on a series of memoir-novels by Eva Strandbu, about war in Finnmark, occupation, evacuation and destruction by fire, seen through the eyes of six-year-old Evelyn. The production went on tour, produced in collaboration with The Norwegian Touring Theatre.

Øyvind Osmo Eriksen directed it.

Marte Tangen played the role of Evelyn.

*Not yet translated into the English. The title within parentheses is the Norwegian title's literal meaning.


(Objekt ID 72886)
Object type Production
Premiere September 3, 2009
Produced by The Arctic Theatre
In collaboration with The Norwegian Touring Theatre (Riksteatret)
Based on Evelyn og de grønne* (Evelyn and the green ones) by Kjell Kristensen
Audience Children
Language Norwegian dialect
Keywords Performance for children, Theatre
Running period September 3, 2009  
Duration Approximately an hour
Website Hålogaland Teater


The Arctic Theatre, halogalandteater.no, 07.08.2016, http://halogalandteater.no/produksjon/2008/evelyn-og-de-gronne

Performance dates
September 22, 2009 Tour Premiere
September 3, 2009 Tour Premiere