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Sesongprogram fra Trøndelag Teater vår og høsten 2010. pdf January 2010 Download

The Experiment

In The Experiment (2010) by Jo Strømgren Kompani, four patriotic women have joined a secret experiment as volunteers. Even though the laboratory is warm and cozy, and at times filled with nice music, there is a growing concern - something is not quite right. Actually, something must be completely wrong.


(Objekt ID 5251)
Object type Production
Premiere May 3, 2010
Produced by Jo Strømgren Kompani
Coproducers The Norwegian Touring Theatre (Riksteatret), Bergen International Festival
Audience Youth, Adults
Language Gibberish
Keywords Dance, Dance theatre, Theatre, Contemporary dance
Running period May 3, 2010  —  December 12, 2010
Website Jo Strømgren Kompani

Requirements to venue

Minimum stage width 8m
Maximum stage width 9m
Minimum stage depth 8m
Maximum stage depth 9m
Blackout Yes
Rigging time 600 minutes
Downrigging time 60 minutes

The Experiment by Jo Strømgren Kompani followed the style of earlier productions such as The Society, The Hospital, and The Department where geopolitical issues were shrunk to fit within four walls and a small group of individuals.

Nonsensical language and cultural references were all related to a well known and powerful state in Eastern Europe. But content was rather universal since horrors in secret grey zones most likely happen anywhere in the world.

Touring: Norway, Denmark, Lithuania, Estonia, Russia, Belarus, France, Spain

Supported by: the Norwegian Ministry for Foreign Affairs/MFA (travel grant/performing arts).


Jo Strømgren Kompani, jskompani.no, 08.08.2010, http://jskompani.no/productions/21

Performance dates
December 12, 2010Hovedscenen, Dansens Hus Show
Navember 22, 2010 19:30 – Le Théâtre des Cordes, La Comédie de Caen (Festival Les Boréales) Show
October 29, 2010 20:30 – Auditorio de Ourense (Festival de Teatro Internacional de Ourense) Show
October 24, 2010Valle-Inclán Theatre, Centro Dramático Nacional (National Drama Center) Show
October 23, 2010Valle-Inclán Theatre, Centro Dramático Nacional (National Drama Center) Show
October 22, 2010Valle-Inclán Theatre, Centro Dramático Nacional (National Drama Center) Show
October 21, 2010Valle-Inclán Theatre, Centro Dramático Nacional (National Drama Center) Show
October 9, 2010A1 / tidligere GRAN - teater for dans / nå Store Sal, Archauz Show
October 8, 2010A1 / tidligere GRAN - teater for dans / nå Store Sal, Archauz Show
October 6, 2010 20:00 – Teatersalen, Mungo Park, Allerød, Danmark, Mungo Park Allerød Show
October 5, 2010 20:00 – Teatersalen, Mungo Park, Allerød, Danmark, Mungo Park Allerød Show
June 8, 2010 18:00 – Store Scene, The National Stage (Bergen International Festival) Show
June 7, 2010 19:00 – Store Scene, The National Stage (Bergen International Festival) National premiere, Norway
May 16, 2010 20:00 – Sala To Tu, Bytomskie Centrum Kultury (Festival Teatromania) Show
May 13, 2010 20:00 – Palace of culture of railwaymen (TanzTranzit) Show
May 11, 2010Grodno Regional Drama Theatre Show
May 8, 2010 21:00 – Black Hall, Arts Printing House (New Baltic Dance) Show
May 4, 2010 19:30 – SAAL, Kanuti Gildi SAAL Show
May 3, 2010 19:00 – Large Hall, Rakvere Teatre Worldwide premiere
Festivals (6)