Performing Arts Network (of Norway)

Performing Arts Network (of Norway) consisted of Avant Garden (Trondheim, BIT Teatergarasjen (Bergen) and Black Box Teater (Oslo). The three organisations collaborated through exchanging and touring Norwegian and international performing arts productions.


(Objekt ID 3305)
Object type Organization
Also known as Nettverk for Scenekunst
Organization type Network organisation
Main focus Performing arts, Dance, Theatre, Multidisciplinary art
Established 1999 (closed October 1, 2008)

Contact information

Address Tronheim, Bergen, Oslo, Norway

Other information

Legal entity Other

In the flier for NORD5 the following, among other things, is written about Performing Arts Network (of Norway):

"Performing Arts Network (of Norway) finds it important that Norwegian performing arts are to be part of an international market. We stimulate to this through an expansive range of international contacts, plus regular musterings in which Norwegian performing arts are programmed by Performing Arts Network (of Norway) for corresponding institutions abroad (Brussels/Kaaitheater 2002, Belgrade/Cenpi 2003, New York/PS122 2005).

However it is as important to us to make Norwegian performing arts part of the international market through importing contemporary, up-to-date performing arts to Norway. One will not become an organic part of a market solely through selling one's own to others. One also has to receive and be open to impulses from the outside. That way the home arenas become international too."

Co-productions (14)
Title Premiere
The American Dream – Navember 10, 2006 – Petter Alexander Goldstine
God Hates Scandinavia – March 30, 2006 – Sons of Liberty
Box With Holes – 2006 – Heine Røsdal Avdal
BIG 2nd episode (Show/Business) – March 3, 2005 – Superamas
Welcome to the Faroe Islands – August 1, 2002 – Jo Strømgren Kompani
The Tiger Garden – May 25, 2001 – Hollow Creature
Throwing your body into the fight – May 4, 2001 – Raimund Hoghe
Blend/Verk – April 18, 2001 – Kreutzerkompani
La Carta – March 3, 2001 – tg STAN
Happy Doctor – January 10, 2001 – Verk Produksjoner, Bal-teatret
Throwing your body into the fight – Navember 12, 2000 – Raimund Hoghe
The Tiger Garden – September 27, 2000 – Hollow Creature
La Carta – Navember 23, 1999 – tg STAN
Fra atomsopp til fotsopp - neonomadic reflections
Contributors (4)
Per Ananiassen – Artistic director (fra March 1, 2008 til October 1, 2008)
Silje Ingeleiv Engeness – Artistic director (fra 2001 til February 29, 2008)
Sven Åge Birkeland – Artistic director (fra 1999 til October 1, 2008)
Kristian Seltun – Artistic director (fra 1999 til October 1, 2008)