you are here

you are here by deepblue (Norway/Belgium) was a collaboration between Heine R. Avdal, Christoph De Boeck and Yukiko Shinozaki.


(Objekt ID 3545)
Object type Production
Premiere May 22, 2008
Produced by deepblue
Coproducers , , Kunstencentrum BUDA, Netwerk Aalst
In collaboration with Performing Arts Network (of Norway), Black Box Teater, BIT Teatergarasjen, Rosendal Teater
Audience Adults
Keywords Dance, Installation, Performance, Music
Running period May 22, 2008  
Website deepblue

Requirements to venue

Blackout Yes

you are here by deepblue build on the actual, physical space you make for yourself in a theatre, all the conditions you can enter if you just allow them to step forward. A theatre space contains all imaginable possibilities. Some have been executed in the past. Some will happen in the future and some will only exist as an idea or a concept, never to come to life. How can we store all these possibilities?

deepblue compares the theatre space to an archive; an archive which is assigned to maintain and protect ideas, knowledge and remains from other worlds and times. you are here refers to the physical location in the theatre and the audience is invited to consult this place in which latent conditions and possible worlds are revealed.

you are here by deepblue was supported by Arts Council Norway, the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs/MFA (travel grant/performing arts), The Audio Visual Fund, The Fund for Performing Artists and Vlaamse Gemenschap.

Source: BIT Teatergarasjen, Oktoberdans 2008. 10.08.2010: -arkiv

Performance dates
October 12, 2019 RIMI/IMIR SceneKunst Show
October 11, 2019 RIMI/IMIR SceneKunst Show
September 25, 2011 16:00 – Studio Centre Pompidou-Metz Show
September 24, 2011 16:00 – Studio Centre Pompidou-Metz Show
August 25, 2011 20:00 – Plesni Teater Ljubljana (Mladi Levi Festival) Show
August 23, 2011 20:00 – Plesni Teater Ljubljana (Mladi Levi Festival) Show
April 22, 2009Teaterhuset Avant Garden Show
April 21, 2009Teaterhuset Avant Garden Show
April 17, 2009 19:00 – Rom for Dans  (Marstrand) Show
April 16, 2009 19:00 – Rom for Dans  (Marstrand) Show
Navember 1, 2008 19:00 – Studio USF, USF Verftet (Oktoberdans) Show
October 31, 2008 19:00 – Studio USF, USF Verftet (Oktoberdans) Show
May 22, 2008 Worldwide premiere
Festivals (3)
Mladi Levi Festival August 23, 2011
Marstrand April 16, 2009
Oktoberdans October 31, 2008