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review of deepblue's production Some notes are (2006) pdf April 12, 2007 Download

Some Notes Are

Some Notes Are by deepblue/Heine Røsdal Avdal (Norway/Belgium) was a site-specific performance performed in a theatre venue. The theatre space with all its conventions and codes was examined.


(Objekt ID 3965)
Object type Production
Premiere June 8, 2006
Produced by deepblue, Heine Røsdal Avdal
Coproducers , Kunstencentrum BUDA, Rosendal Teater, BIT Teatergarasjen, Black Box Teater, BankART 1929, Netwerk Aalst, South Gate Space, Beijing,
In collaboration with Performing Arts Network (of Norway)
Audience Adults
Keywords Dance, Contemporary dance, Performance, Video, Post-dramatic theatre, Installation
Running period June 8, 2006  
Duration 80 minutes

Requirements to venue

Blackout No

In Somes Note Are by deepblue/Heine Røsdal Avdal all the effects present in the theatre room was given the same weight: The room was on equal footing with the performer, the technician, the video projection and so on.

With the company deepblue, consisting of dancer and choreographer Yukiko Shinozaki and composer Cristoph De Boeck, Heine Røsdal Avdal has examined the human being’s relation to technology in different performance formats.

In his text about Some Notes Are Avdal compared the different components in a theatre space with nodes in a data network, each and every one being capable of exchanging information with the others. The space is what connects the worlds of the spectator and the performer, it is what opens for reading and interpretation of codes, making navigation possible. Some notes are considered how new relations arise as a result of new technology, both between performer and spectator and between the human being and its surroundings.

Some Notes Are uses elements from visual art, video art, dance, electronic art, sound art and installation.

In the program of Black Box Teater the performance was described as "funny techno slapstick".

Some Notes Are had its world wide premiere in Kaaitheater in Brussels in Belgium June 8.

Some Notes Are was supported by Arts Council Norway, The Fund for Performing Artists and De Vlaamse Gemeenschap.

Sources: BIT Teatergarasjen, spring program 2007. 09.09.2010: http://www.bit-teatergarasjen.no/article/64

Vallat, Marianne Dyrnes, Kristian Seltun and Nina Magnus (2007). Black Box Teater Oslo: Program spring 2007. Black Box Teater Oslo [Oslo]

Leinslie, Elisabeth (12.04.2007). Review titled Teater der publikum har hovedrollen (literally: Theatre in which the audience plays the main part). Scenekunst, scenekunst.no, 2.11.2007, http://www2.scenekunst.no/artikkel_3402.nml

Autumn program 2007, Avant Garden. 

Contributors (10)
Name Role
Heine Røsdal Avdal – Choreography
Christoph De Boeck – Dramaturge
Heine Røsdal Avdal – Video/Film
Christoph De Boeck – Sound design
Hans Meijer – Lighting design
Heine Røsdal Avdal – Performer
Hans Meijer – Technical director
Andris Fluit – Technician
Leen Driesen – Producer
Yukiko Shinozaki – Assistant
Performance dates
Navember 4, 2007Teaterhuset Avant Garden Show
Navember 3, 2007Teaterhuset Avant Garden Show
April 13, 2007 19:00 – Store scene Black Box Teater (Marstrandgata) Show
April 12, 2007 19:00 – Store scene Black Box Teater (Marstrandgata) Show
April 11, 2007 19:00 – Store scene Black Box Teater (Marstrandgata) Show
January 27, 2007BIT Teatergarasjen Show
January 26, 2007BIT Teatergarasjen Show
October 21, 2006Studio USF, USF Verftet (Oktoberdans) Show
June 8, 2006Studio, Kaaitheater Worldwide premiere
Festivals (1)
Oktoberdans October 21, 2006
Press coverage

"At a time I discover that the chairs, slowly, but certainly, are subject to humanisation. They move, make sounds, talk and communicate. They become persons telling about social events, being excluded, friendship, closeness, distance. In other words, as little confused childish creatures we can identify with, the audience chairs are used to direct attention towards the spectator."

Leinslie, Elisabeth (12.04.2007). Review titled Teater der publikum har hovedrollen (literally: Theatre in which the audience plays the main part). Scenekunst, scenekunst.no, 2.11.2007, http://www2.scenekunst.no/artikkel_3402.nml

"Avdal and Christoph De Boeck display an exquisite ability to handle the virtual in relation to a physical reality in Some Notes Are. In a magical way Avdal makes data technology seem human, and the human, or the presence of the body, to merge with the virtual. Through the subtle crossover wandering he creates something far more than a technological fancy one man show. One can almost say a quiet osmosis takes place."

Lunde, Inger-Margrethe (13.04.2007). Review titled Sofistikert manipulering (literally: Sophisticated manipulation). Oslopuls Aftenposten, oslopuls.aftenposten.no, 24.11.2010, http://oslopuls.aftenposten.no/?service=redirect&sourceid=1733393