Radiohead is still my name

Radiohole is still my name by Radiohole (USA): The theatre company Radiohole from New York is compared to the legendary The Wooster Group and is described as the theatre company you should definitely not invite home for dinner.

The production Radiohole is still my name is a madcap Spaghetti Western docu-drama featuring the French situationist Guy Debord. Imagine a gang of triggerhappy murderous poultry fiends wandering into a peaceful town in search of a cool, refreshing beverage only to come face to face with its sole citizen, the prohibitionist proprietor of Norton's Disco Chicken Lickin' Haven, the right honourable amputee Mr. Joe "Stubbs" Silovsky (a.k.a. The Chicken Kid). A peaceful town changes character and the further events are not for the weak of heart.


(Objekt ID 8816)
Object type Production
Premiere April 8, 2005
Produced by Radiohole
In collaboration with Performing Arts Network (of Norway)
Audience Adults
Language English
Keywords Theatre, Satire, Burlesque, Comedy, Parody/Travesty, Post-dramatic theatre, Cabaret

Requirements to venue

Blackout Yes

Radiohole is still my name by Radiohole is described as a madcap, overly tense country cabaret in which American culture is blown to pieces using foulness, beer wars and duels during sunset. It can also be described as spicy tabasco stew of horse punk, slapstick, satire and utterly bad manners.

With a frame story thin as a needle ("Hunting for a cold beer a gang of murderous chicken wander into a peaceful village...") and in a rough, burlesque manner American culture is broken apart. Radiohole should be met with high tolerance for grossness and a dear outlook at American humour at its widest stance.

New York based Radiohole long ago has achieved cult status at home, but has this far been relatively unknown in Europe. They’re linked to predecessors such as The Wooster Group and Richard Foreman.

Source: BIT Teatergarasjen, spring program 2005. 11.11.2010: -archive

Contributors (8)
Name Role
Erin Douglas – Co-creator
Eric Dyer – Co-creator
Maggie Hoffman – Co-creator
Joseph Silovsky – Co-creator
Erin Douglas – Performer
Eric Dyer – Performer
Maggie Hoffman – Performer
Joseph Silovsky – Performer
Performance dates
April 24, 2005BIT Teatergarasjen Show
April 23, 2005BIT Teatergarasjen Show
April 22, 2005BIT Teatergarasjen Show
April 21, 2005BIT Teatergarasjen Show
April 17, 2005Teaterhuset Avant Garden Show
April 16, 2005Teaterhuset Avant Garden Show
April 15, 2005Teaterhuset Avant Garden Show
April 10, 2005Store scene Black Box Teater (Marstrandgata) Show
April 9, 2005Store scene Black Box Teater (Marstrandgata) Show
April 8, 2005Store scene Black Box Teater (Marstrandgata) National premiere, Norway
Press coverage

Writer and date unknown, New York Times [New York]:
"If you learn one thing about the members of the cult theatre troupe Radiohole from their deliriously entertaining current show Radiohole Is Still My Name, it’s never, under any circumstances, to invite them to dinner."

Amund Grimstad, 21.01.2011,
"Radiohole may be provocative theatre in the US, but for a Norwegian audience this is more entertaining than very shocking."