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Sesongprogram BIT Teatergarasjen høst 2005 pdf 2005 Download


ONCE by Rosas (Belgium). A record player, a chair, a thermos flask - and dancer Anne Teresa De Keersmaeker. An old vinyl record Joan Baez in concert, 1963. The dancer wears a blue dress, like the one worn by the singer on the cover. She turns on the record player - a plea from the past, directed towards the present. Created before the war against Iraq, ONCE is a manifesto, the Belgian choreographer's touching statement against arrogance, destruction and war.


(Objekt ID 6360)
Object type Production
Premiere October 3, 2005
Produced by Rosas
In collaboration with , Performing Arts Network (of Norway)
Audience Adults
Keywords Dance, Contemporary dance
Website ROSAS

Requirements to venue

Blackout Yes

Source: BIT Teatergarasjen, autumn program 2005. 14.09.2010 www.bit-teatergarasjen.no -archive

Contributors (20)
Name Role
Anne Teresa De Keersmaeker – Choreography
Joan Baez – Music
Jan Joris Lamers – Stage design
Anke Loh – Costume
Alex Fostier – Sound design
Jan Joris Lamers – Lighting design
Anne Teresa De Keersmaeker – Dancer
Freek Boey – Technical director
Harry Cole – Technician (Under kreasjonen)
José Nuno Fernandes – Technician (Under kreasjonen)
Luc Galle – Technician (Under kreasjonen)
Patrick Martens – Technician (Under kreasjonen)
Guy Peeters – Technician (Under kreasjonen)
Guy Peeters – Technician
Herman Sorgeloos – Technician (Under kreasjonen)
Jan Vercauteren – Technician (Under kreasjonen)
Caroline Wagner – Technician
Jeroen Wuyts – Technician (Under kreasjonen)
Anne Van Aerschot – Assistant
Marion Ballester – Choreogreographic Assistant
Performance dates
October 9, 2005BIT Teatergarasjen Show
October 8, 2005BIT Teatergarasjen Show
October 4, 2005Store scene Black Box Teater (Marstrandgata) Show
October 3, 2005Store scene Black Box Teater (Marstrandgata) National premiere, Norway