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Season program catalog Black Box Theater the autumn of 2008. pdf August 2008 Download

Songs of the Dragons Flying to Heaven

Songs of the Dragons Flying to Heaven by Young Jean Lee (USA). Songs of the Dragons Flying to Heaven follows a character named "Korean American" as she navigates the increasingly disturbing levels of a pseudo-Korean world.

Suddenly, out of nowhere a white couple appears and begins having a dysfunctional relationship drama that eventually takes over the play.


(Objekt ID 3608)
Object type Production
Premiere 2006
Produced by Young Jean Lee
In collaboration with Performing Arts Network (of Norway)
Based on Songs of the Dragons Flying to Heaven by Young Jean Lee
Audience Adults
Language English
Keywords Theatre, Satire, Post-dramatic theatre, Comedy, Stand-up comedy, Parody/Travesty
Running period January 1, 2006  
Website Home. Young Jean Lee´s Theatre Company

Songs of the Dragons Flying to Heaven by Young Jean Lee presents a twisted and humorous perspective on having a different cultural background and at the same time raises a set of difficult issues concerning the terms race, culture and identity.

Songs of the Dragons Flying to Heaven was well received by the audience and toured USA plus important European theatre festivals already the year of the opening, 2006. The same year the production was ranged as one of the ten best shows that year by New York Magazine.

In the program of BIT Teatergarasjen Songs of the Dragons Flying to Heaven was described as an intelligent, politically incorrect production mixing standup comedy and dance, vaudeville and drama and humour the way of Monty Python and multimedia performance.


BIT Teatergarasjen, autumn program 2008. 12.08.2010: http://www.bit-teatergarasjen.no -arkiv

Contributors (16)
Name Role
Young Jean Lee – Text
Young Jean Lee – Direction
Dean Moss – Choreography
Eric Dyer – Stage design
Colleen Werthmann – Costume
Dean Moss – Video/Film
Jamie McElhinney – Sound design
Eric Dyer – Lighting design
Brian Bickerstaff – Actor
Juliana Francis Kelly – Actor
Haerry Kim – Actor
Jun Sky Kim – Actor
Jennifer Kim – Actor
Becky Yamamoto – Actor
Melissa Heller – Technical director
Jesse Hawley – Other
Performance dates
Navember 23, 2008Studio Bergen, Carte Blanche Show
Navember 22, 2008Studio Bergen, Carte Blanche Show
Navember 19, 2008 19:00 – Store scene Black Box Teater (Marstrandgata) Show
Navember 18, 2008 19:00 – Store scene Black Box Teater (Marstrandgata) Show
Navember 15, 2008Arkivsenteret Dora Show
Navember 14, 2008Arkivsenteret Dora National premiere, Norway
2006 Worldwide premiere
Press coverage

The New York Times:

"The Best parodies start with great titles. So Young Jean Lee's hysterically funny Songs of The Dragons Flying to Heaven is perfect (...) politically incorrect (...) directed brilliantly."

New York Magazine:

"Avant garde isn't dead, and has never been funnier"