Title (28) File type Publiseringsdato Download
Forestillingsprogram for Hordaland Teaters produksjon Andvake (2018) pdf 2018 Download
Forestillingsprogram for Hordaland Teater og Riksteatres produksjon Svar på brev frå Helga (2019) pdf September 13, 2019 Download
Forestillingsprogram for Hordaland Teaters produksjon Den lille piken med fyrstikkene (2000). pdf 2000 Download
Forestillingsprogram for Hordaland Teaters produksjon Den riktige vind (1999). pdf 1999 Download
Forestillingsprogram for Hordaland Teaters produksjon Du er mi mor (2004) . pdf 2004 Download
Forestillingsprogram for Hordaland Teaters produksjon I Guds namn (2014). pdf 2014 Download
Forestillingsprogram for Hordaland Teaters produksjon Jeg synes jeg klarte meg fint. Christian Michelsen 1905 (2005). pdf 2005 Download
Forestillingsprogram for Hordaland Teaters produksjon Mina og Draken (2004). pdf 2004 Download
Forestillingsprogram for Hordaland Teaters produksjon Vinden har så mykje å fortelleja (1992). pdf 1992 Download
Forestillingsprogram for Teater Ibsen og Hordaland Teaters produksjon Min venn fascisten (2019) pdf 2019 Download
Performance program for The Norwegian Theatre and Det Vestnorske Teateret's production Raskolnikov (2019) pdf 2019 Download
Performance program for The Norwegian Theatre and Det Vestnorske Teateret's production Raskolnikov (2019) pdf August 17, 2019 Download
Program for Hordaland Teater og Cellista Productions produksjon Magnet (2014) pdf October 4, 2014 Download
Program for Hordaland Teaters produksjon Barnet utan alder (2001) pdf February 22, 2001 Download
Program for Hordaland Teaters produksjon Hvorfor de kongelige ikke har krone på hodet (2006) pdf 2006 Download
Program for Hordaland Teaters produksjon Juerosene (2015). pdf Navember 21, 2015 Download
Program for Hordaland Teaters produksjon OLE BULL: Jeg bygger luftslott (2010) pdf September 9, 2010 Download
Program for Hordaland Teaters produksjon Peter og Ulven (2013) pdf May 23, 2013 Download
Program for Hordaland Teaters produksjon Rekneprinsen (2016). pdf 2016 Download
Program for Hordaland Teaters produksjon Skomakarens Draum (2017). pdf 2017 Download
Program for Hordaland Teaters produksjon Små døde dyr (2015). pdf June 4, 2015 Download
Program for Hordaland Teaters produksjon Struts (2008) pdf 2008 Download
Program for Hordaland Teaters produksjon Vesletuss (2001) pdf Navember 17, 2001 Download
Program for Hordaland Theatre's production Terje Vigen (1997) pdf 1997 Download
Program for Hvid Støj Sceneproduktions produksjon CUT// (2009) pdf 2009 Download
Program for Sandsund/Lies produksjon Delfinen (2011). pdf 2011 Download
Program fra Hordaland Teaters produksjon Karius og Baktus (1997). pdf 1997 Download
Program fra Hordaland Teaters produksjon Siste frist (1997) pdf 1997 Download

Det Vestnorske Teateret

Det Vestnorske Teateret (literally: The Western Norwegian Theatre, formerly Hordaland Theatre) (1985-) is a regional theatre for the county of Hordaland. The theatre uses New Norwegian as its language.

The name change was decided by the theatre's general assembly April 25 2019.

Det Vestnorske Teateret is supported by The Norwegian Ministry of Culture and the county of Hordaland.


(Objekt ID 2669)
Object type Organization
Also known as Formerly Hordaland Teater, Hordaland Theatre
Organization type District institution
Main focus Theatre
Established 1985
Email post@detvestnorsketeateret.no
Website Hordaland Teater , DET VESTNORSKE TEATERET

Contact information

Address Øvre Ole Bulls plass 6, 5012 Bergen, Norway
Email post@detvestnorsketeateret.no
Telefon 55222020

Other information

Legal entity Limited liability company/AS or ASA
Org nr. 939 734 325
Member of Association of Norwegian Theatres and Orchestras

Hordaland Theatre was established in 1985 after an initiative by Anne Gullestad and Karel Hlavatý. The first production took place in 1988. From 1995 Hordaland Theatre has had status as a regional theatre, with its headquarters at Hordamuseet in Stend. It was the first theatre institution in Norway to emphasis children and youth.

Hordaland Theatre was the first institutional theatre in Norway aimed towards children and youth.

On the webpage of the theatre one could read the following (in 2011):

"Hordaland Theatre is a theatre for the whole county, though mostly for children and youth. We tour the county, but also have a venue of our own at Stend (in Bergen). The theatre performs using the New Norwegian and dialect, and we mostly perform for children and youth. The theatre makes new drama a priority."

Management: Anne Gullestad led the theatre from 1995 to her death in 1998. She was followed by Vera Rostin Wexelsen (1999-2004), Arvid Ones (2005-2009) and Trond Birkedal (2009-2015). Terje Lyngstad was hired as head of the theatre from January 1 2016, but he left as early as August after disagreement about the management model. Former dramaturge at The National Stage, Solrun Toft Iversen, was hired from 2017.

From the country to the town:

The theatre had its headquarters at the museum Hordamuseet in Hordnesveien 24 at Stend until 2016. 

From January 1 2016, Hordaland Theatre overtook a rental contract at Logen, Ole Bulls plass 6, in the centre of Bergen. In April 2019, after a complaint, an application for building a new building in the backyard was accepted. The plan is that workshops, offices and a rehearsal room are to be built, and moved to Logen after renovations. Per 2019 Logen is the site for performances, in addition to the venue at Stend, whereas the administration is based in Teatergaten 35, the centre of Bergen.  

The name change of 2019:

At the occasion of the name change in 2019 the head of the theatre, Solrun Toft Iversen, said the following in a press release from the theatre:

"With a profiled theatre building and a sharper strategy aimed towards the Western Norwegian population, language and identity, we wish to signal this innovation in the theatre world of Bergen through our choice of name. At the same time the name signals the theatre's ambitions in the new county Vestland and the more expanded term of the Western Norwegian."

Leader of the board, Pål W. Lorentzen, added that the theatre with its new name attaches itself to the name tradition that was founded with The Norwegian Theatre in 1912.


Hordaland Theatre, "Det Vestnorske Teatret (literally: The Western Norwegian Theatre)", press release 25.04.2019

Otterlei, Simen Sundfjord. "Sjefen for Hordaland Teater går av" (literally. The head of Hordaland Theatre leaves) at NRK Hordaland, nrk.no/hordaland/, 28.08.2016

Otterlei, Simen Sundfjord. "Gresk tragedie på styrerommet" (literally: Greek Tragedy in the boardroom) at NRK Hordaland, nrk.no/hordaland/, 31.08.2016

Pettersen, Eivind and Lagmandokk, Ole André. "Hordaland Teater flytter til Bergen sentrum" (literally: Hordaland Theatre moves to the centre of Bergen), NRK Hordaland, nrk.no/hordaland/, 10.12.2015

Hordaland Theatre, www.hordalandteater.no 19.05.2011

Store Norske Leksikon, http://snl.no/Hordaland_Teater

Co-productions (4)
Title Premiere
Kapital – September 14, 2018
CUT// – 2012 – Hvid Støj Sceneproduktion
The Dolphin – September 9, 2011 – Sandsund/Lie ANS
CUT// – February 2009 – Hvid Støj Sceneproduktion
Contributors (7)
Thomas Bye – Theatre director (fra August 1, 2023)
Solrun Toft Iversen – Theatre director (fra May 2017 til July 31, 2023)
Terje Lyngstad – Theatre director (fra January 1, 2016 til August 2016)
Trond Birkedal – Theatre director (fra March 1, 2009 til December 31, 2015)
Arvid Ones – Theatre director (fra 2005 til March 1, 2009)
Vera Rostin Wexelsen – Theatre director (fra 1999 til 2004)
Anne Gullestad – Theatre director (fra 1995 til 1998)