Min venn fascisten* (My friend the fascist)

Min venn fascisten* (My friend the fascist) (2019) was a musical theatre production by Ibsen Theatre and Hordaland Theatre, based on a musical by Erik Gedeon (text and music) and Klas Abrahamsson (text). The production opened at Ibsen Theatre in Skien, and was performed on tour in the counties of Telemark and Vestfold, prior to being transferred to Hordaland Theatre at Logen, Bergen.

Arvid Ones directed it.

Lars Lillo-Stenberg played the role of Fridolf the fascist.

*Not yet translated into the English. The title within parentheses is the Norwegian title's literal meaning.


(Objekt ID 93348)
Object type Production
Premiere September 13, 2019
Produced by Ibsen Theatre, Det Vestnorske Teateret
Based on Min venn fascisten* (My friend the fascist) by Erik Gedeon, Klas Abrahamsson, Erik Gedeon
Audience Adults
Language Norwegian
Keywords Satire, Musical, Theatre
Running period September 13, 2019  


Import from the Scenekunst.no list of openings 20.08.2019 

Ibsen Theatre, www.teateribsen.no, 07.10.19, http://teateribsen.no/forestilling/min-venn-fascisten/