Title (2) File type Publiseringsdato Download
Program for karen foss Quiet Works produksjon europa kvinne (2006) pdf March 9, 2006 Download
Sesongprogram Black Box Teater vår 2007 pdf January 2007 Download

karen foss quiet works

The aim of the foundation karen foss quiet works, established in 2001, is to produce and promote the artistic work of Karen Foss, and additionally to collaborate with artists working in related arts fields and forms. The organisation's working strategy is based on continuity with regard to concepts and those involved.


(Objekt ID 1472)
Object type Organization
Also known as KFQW
Organization type Artist company, Dance company
Main focus Multidisciplinary art, Dance, Education
Established May 28, 2001
Email ksf@karenfossquietworks.no / post@karenfossquietworks.no
Website karen foss quiet works
Expressions Multidisciplinary, Dance, Performance, Theatre

Contact information

Address C/O Proscen Rotthaugsgt. 7, 5033 Bergen, Norway
Email ksf@karenfossquietworks.no / post@karenfossquietworks.no
Telefon 91876104

Other information

Legal entity Foundation
Org nr. 983 480 403
Member of The Norwegian Association of Performing Arts/NAPA

Karen Foss teaches workshops, holds lectures and demonstrations springing out of her own preformances plus other material. Her workshops include choreography, composition, dance and movement. Lectures, lessons and seminars are given in history of dance, dance art and culture, art politics and producer work for dance and new stage arts. Karen Foss is experienced in education and works with amateurs as well as professionals within the dance sector.

The foundation karen foss quiet works focus on truths that are not immediately apparent, or that lie concealed behind the truths or concepts that our western philosophy of life generally takes for granted. The works therefore aim to throw new light on western patterns of thought and classical art production. For the spectator, a quiet works performance will therefore present a wealth of associations and references, and these references play an important role in the effect of the overall production.

Apart from this richly connotative quality, the works contain ambiguities and a feeling that something rather uncomfortable is smouldering under the surface. There is also an inherent sensuality and lavishness, with leanings towards the droll and the singular.

karen foss quiet works receives support from Arts Council Norway (Norsk Kulturråd) and other public funding organisations such as The Fund for Performing Arts (Fond for utøvende kunstnere), The Audio Visual Fund (Fond for lyd og bilde) and Bergen City Council.

Bergen International Theatre (BIT teatergarasjen) and the contemporary ballet company Carte Blanche AS have acted as co-producers on past productions.

Source: karen foss quiet works, karenfossquietworks.no, 01.08.2010, http://www.karenfossquietworks.no

Own productions (12)
Title Premiere
vid&klar – March 16, 2018
Two (2) – September 1, 2010
Seminar: Tekst om dans - andre del – April 28, 2007
gracerunners – March 29, 2007
europa woman – February 8, 2006
quiet red – April 29, 2004
pearl simply – October 1, 2002
tall/blonde – October 14, 2000
place – September 20, 1995
Duet – 1994
Norwegian Tale
Ukjent tittel - jeg lette etter forestillingen min, men det skjedde i en annen tid
Contributors (3)
Inga Moen Danielsen – Other
Tone Iren Myklatun – Producer
Karen Foss – Artistic director