pearl simply

pearl simply by karen foss quiet works was the first part of a trilogy consisting of pearl simply, quiet red and europa woman. A full-length performance using 3-4 dancers, text, music/sound, theatre light and stage.


(Objekt ID 2003)
Object type Production
Premiere October 1, 2002
Produced by karen foss quiet works
Coproducers BIT Teatergarasjen, Carte Blanche
Audience Adults, Youth (from 10)
Language English
Keywords Multidisciplinary, Performance, Contemporary dance
Running period October 1, 2002  

Requirements to venue

Minimum stage width 8m
Minimum stage depth 8m
Minimum stage height 7m
Blackout Yes
Rigging time 600 minutes

pearl simply viewed and reviewed the eye of the beholder and subjective perceptions of beauty. A pearl was created by the oyster’s layers of lustrous secretion around an invading grain of sand. The production pearl simply, the first part of the pearl trilogy, was structured in a similar way to the pearl - its richness of layers creates many associations and aesthetic forms. In part inspired by Virginia Woolf’s novel Orlando and its vast time span, pearl simply used this concept of time to create a space for the spectator to contemplate and practice reflection. Another salient feature of the piece was its very sensual form: careful lighting and costuming, scents, chamber music by Beethoven and a quietly appealing soundscore with a simple and poetic text.

pearl simply by karen foss quiet works received support from The Arts Council Norway, The Audiovisual Fund and The Fund for Performing Artists in Norway.

Source: karen foss quiet works,, 01.08.2010,

Contributors (19)
Name Role
Karen Foss – Text
Karen Foss – Concept/Idea
Karen Foss – Concept/Idea
Karen Foss – Choreography
Katrine Nylund – Stage design
Katrine Nylund – Costume design
Frode Breivik – Sound design
Jørgen Knudsen – Sound design
Stephen Rolfe – Lighting design
Sigve Sælensminde – Lighting design
Suzie Davies – Dancer
Karen Foss – Dancer
Therese Skauge – Dancer
Henriette Slorer – Dancer
Hans Jaran Skogen – Lighting technician
Ann-Christin Danhammar – Producer
Indrani Balgobin – Other
Robert Roespel – Other
Henriette Slorer – Other
Performance dates
February 23, 2003 20:00 – Store scene (Vika), Black Box teater Show
February 22, 2003 20:00 – Store scene (Vika), Black Box teater Show
February 21, 2003 20:00 – Store scene (Vika), Black Box teater Show
October 13, 2002Danseteatret / Turnhallen, Carte Blanche (Oktoberdans) Show
October 12, 2002Danseteatret / Turnhallen, Carte Blanche (Oktoberdans) Show
October 1, 2002 Worldwide premiere
Festivals (1)
Oktoberdans October 12, 2002
Press coverage

"The gaze of both male, female and peeping Tom is titillated, turned around and given new focus. The performance is fruity, thoughtful and loaded with energy – a great achievement for Karen Foss and her dancers. Foss has also written the text, which she delivers with a sense of rhythm, rhyme and crisp one-liners." (2002, 14.10). Bergens Tidende

"The dancers and music melt together in an atmosphere of tenderness and fragility... In pearl simply there is a lot of sensuality that is beautifully and sensitively developed." (2002, 14.02). Aftenposten

"With an obstinate expression on her face, Karen Foss questions the relationship between beauty, the subjective eye and conventional truths. At the same time, she presents a delightful allegory of beauty on a stage where the baroque blends with the modern through the costumes, sound and movement. Karen knows where she is going and what she wants to convey, and she does so with an energy, willpower and communicative strength that surprises the senses and stimulates the intellect." (2003, 25.02). Klassekampen