Teater Fusentast (Scatterbrain Theatre)

Teater Fusentast (Scatterbrain Theatre) was established in 1988 and is one of Trondheim’s professional independent theatre and dance companies. Teater Fusentast (Scatterbrain Theatre) is, with its 75-100 performances a year one of the few independent Trondheim companies with a continuous performance and lessons offerings.


(Objekt ID 1388)
Object type Organization
Also known as Fusentast Theatre
Organization type Artist company, Theatre company
Main focus Multidisciplinary art, Theatre
Established October 23, 1988
Expressions Multidisciplinary, Puppetry, Theatre

Contact information

Address Riddervoldsgate 28, 7052 Trondheim, Norway

Other information

Legal entity Limited liability company/AS or ASA

Teater Fusentast (Scatterbrain Theatre) wishes to play around with theatre forms and traditions, turn them upside-down and be surprised by the new possibilities. Teater Fusentast (Scatterbrain Theatre) hopes these surprises and possibilities will give its audience an experience they would not want to be without.

Teater Fusentast (Scatterbrain Theatre) finds joy in the strange, the askew and the wonder of being.

Teater Fusentast (Scatterbrain Theatre) is angered by lack of respect, human value, everyday wisdom and those who attempt to decide over us and others. This will come through in Teater Fusentast (Scatterbrain Theatre)’s productions.

In its performances, Teater Fusentast (Scatterbrain Theatre) wishes to convey the good stories which accompany the members’ own lives. This is why Teater Fusentast (Scatterbrain Theatre) often chooses an inclusive style, where the audience and the company share the same theatrical reality. Puppets, music, acting and text are ingredients of equal standing to the company.

Teater Fusentast (Scatterbrain Theatre) has chosen to emphasise these theatre necessities in its plays. For various reasons Teater Fusentast (Scatterbrain Theatre) has reduced its dependency of electricity, electronic equipment and mechanics to a minimum, enabling the company to perform most places in Norway and abroad.

Teater Fusentast (Scatterbrain Theatre) has two employees, Jaap den Hertog and Coby Omvlee.

Since the start in 1989 with the play The tree of land and sea Teater Fusentast (Scatterbrain Theatre) among other things has staged classics such as Peer Gynt, Sleeping Beauty, Don Quixote and A Doll’s House as theatre or musicals. Besides the company’s own productions the artists sometimes have taken the time for other theatre work.

Teater Fusentast (Scatterbrain Theatre) has participated in a series of festivals in Scandinavia, Europe, Russia and Africa with Sleeping Beauty, Peer Gynt, Menopa’s Magical Rail Road Show, Les Co-épouses, Katitzi, Nora, Titranic and Sand Between Your Toes.

Several of Teater Fusentast (Scatterbrain Theatre)’s very visual plays have been processed to be shown for deaf audiences in collaboration with an interpreter for the deaf.

Teater Fusentast (Scatterbrain Theatre) likes collaborating with other theatres, actors, visual artists, writers and musicians from Norway and abroad.

For more information, visit the web pages of Teater Fusentast (Scatterbrain Theatre).

Source: Teater Fusentast (Scatterbrain Theatre),

http://fusentast.no/om-oss/ 13/10-10

http://fusentast.no/no/historikk/ 13/10-10

Contributors (2)
Jaap den Hertog – Manager (fra 1989)
Coby Omvlee – Manager (fra 1989)