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Sesongprogram for Teaterhuset Avant Garden høst 2001 pdf August 2001 Download

Espen Dekko

After having worked with puppetry since 1990 Espen Dekko in 2000 established Dekkoart to produce performing arts using puppetry as expression.

The aim is to convey new drama through the visual and metaphoric language of puppetry. With performances for adults or directed towards children the company wishes to create its own form consisting of its particular universe of images and visual stories.


(Objekt ID 1006)
Object type Organization
Also known as Dekkoart
Organization type Artist company, Theatre company
Main focus Puppetry
Established 2000
Email post@dekkoart.com
Website Dekkoart
Expressions Puppetry

Contact information

Address 1406 Ski, Norway
Email post@dekkoart.com
Telefon 91736957

Other information

Legal entity Sole Proprietorship/Self-employed business/ENK

The puppetry performer is in his/her profession a manipulator. This is because he/she in use of manipulation and acting techniques affects the figure to express and show significance, throughout which he/she creates for the spectator an illusion regarding the figure's life. In the larger picture one can say that the performer is a manipulator for making the spectator believe in this illusion. For the spectator the performer is an animator; one who gives the figure life. The performer creates for the spectator an illusion dead material has soul.

Source: Dekkoart, 21.10.2010, http://www.dekkoart.com/

Own productions (6)
Title Premiere
Short Shows – September 23, 2010
The Fakir – September 19, 2007
Nippon – January 1, 2007
The Man and the Moon – October 21, 2004
The Experiment – 2001
The Ocean of Silence – March 3, 2000
Co-productions (1)
Title Premiere
Steps – September 1, 2008 – The Open Theatre (Det Åpne Teater)
Contributors (1)
Espen Dekko – Manager (fra 2000)