A Public Enemy

JDX - A Public Enemy (1993) was a production by tg STAN, loosely based on An Enemy of the People by Henrik Ibsen.

The production was revived in 2014, as part of the celebration of tg STAN's 25th anniversary. The production revisited BIT Teatergarasjen in August 2014, and was performed as a visiting performance at Black Box Teater in Oslo during The Ibsen Festival 2014.


(Objekt ID 24611)
Object type Production
Premiere May 10, 1997
Produced by tg STAN
Based on An Enemy of the People by Henrik Ibsen
Audience Adults
Language French
Keywords Theatre, Drama
Running period April 27, 1995  —  Navember 18, 2000
Website STAN

Requirements to venue

Blackout No

In the spring program of BIT Teatergarasjen 1998 the following, among other things, was written about JDX - A Public Enemy

"The title JDX - A Public Enemy refers to the rap culture, and tg STAN's approach to Ibsen has been marked by this: High pace, biting satire and barely controlled anger. In agitating style the piece is an attack of the lies of our 'democratic' system: the scammers, lies, scares, the swindle against the citizens, intolerance and the tyranny of the majority."

At the webpage of BIT Teatergarasjen the following, among other things, is written about JDX (2014):

"Media's role in the forming of a public opinion and the traps of democracy are here carefully illuminated. In true propaganda theatre style the piece pinpoints the total lack of sincerity in certain forms of democratic practice - tactical tricks, lies and threats, the people's betrayal and intolerance.

The revival of the legendary JDX - A Public Enemy the spring of 2014 was preceded by the planned elections in Belgium and EU, but is also a celebration of the company's own 25th anniversary. The production is performed with the original cast from 1993.

JDX - A Public Enemy was in its say selected as one of the ten best Flemish theatre productions since the 1950es, and it is without doubt one of the most radical Ibsen interpretations in theatre history. The production has not become less topical since 1993, or - for that sake - since An Enemy of the People had its world premiere in 1883."


Spring program 1998, BIT Teatergarasjen

BIT Teatergarasjen, www.bit-teatergarasjen.no, 22.08.2014, http://bit-teatergarasjen.no/sesongprogram/tg-stan-be-jdx-a-public-enemy/view/2014-08-28?CalendarStart=20140828

Festivalprogram for the theatre festival in Kongsvinger 1997. Sverre Waage's private archive, donated by Sverre Waage. December 15 2014

The National Library of Norway, www.ibsen.net, 14.11.2011, http://www.ibsen.net/index.gan?id=25672

The National Theatre, program for The Ibsen Festival 2014, http://www.nationaltheatret.no/Her+er+programmet!.b7C_wRnG5W.ips

Contributors (15)
Name Role
Henrik Ibsen – Playwright
Thomas Walgrave – Stage design
An D´Huys – Costume
Thomas Walgrave – Lighting design
Jolente De Keersmaeker – Co-creator
Sara De Roo – Co-creator
Damiaan De Schrijver – Co-creator
Annette Kouwenhoven – Co-creator
Frank Vercruyssen – Co-creator
Jolente De Keersmaeker – Actor
Sara De Roo – Actor
Damiaan De Schrijver – Actor
Mariet Eyckmans – Actor
Annette Kouwenhoven – Actor
Frank Vercruyssen – Actor
Performance dates
September 7, 2014 19:00 – Store scene Black Box Teater (Marstrandgata) (The Ibsen Festival) Show
September 6, 2014 19:00 – Store scene Black Box Teater (Marstrandgata) (The Ibsen Festival) Show
September 5, 2014 19:00 – Store scene Black Box Teater (Marstrandgata) (The Ibsen Festival) Show
August 30, 2014 19:00 – Studio Bergen, Carte Blanche Show
August 29, 2014 19:00 – Studio Bergen, Carte Blanche Show
August 28, 2014 19:00 – Studio Bergen, Carte Blanche Show
Navember 21, 1998 20:00 – BIT Teatergarasjen Show
May 10, 1997Rådhus-Teatret, Kongsvinger (The Theatre Festival in Kongsvinger) National premiere, Norway
Festivals (2)