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Sesongprogram for Black Box Teater høst 2018. pdf August 2018 Download

The Ship Vol. 5

Short Cuts

The Ship Vol. 5 - Short Cuts  (2018) was a performing arts production by De Utvalgte.

Kari Holtan directed it.

De Utvalgte received The Hedda Award 2019 in the special artistic achievement category for The Ship Vol. 5.

Boya Bøckman received The Hedda Award 2019 in the best audiovisual design category for his work on The Ship Vol. 5 and on Lazarus, The Norwegian Theatre.


(Objekt ID 87869)
Object type Production
Premiere September 15, 2018
Produced by De Utvalgte
Coproducers Black Box Teater, BIT Teatergarasjen
Audience Adults
Keywords Theatre, Outside performance
Running period September 15, 2018  
Website Black Box Teater , De Utvalgte

The Hedda Jury gave the following reason for the award to De Utvalgte:

"The award goes to a brutal and poetic, comical and ominous, deeply human performance. In play between roles and identities, authenticity and theatricality a multifaceted, confronting and distinct expression is created. The site-specific gives the basic characteristic for a life in movement, a changing society, and the performers behind it examine the human space between hubris and powerlessness, extreme privilege and extreme exposure. The audience is brought along on a shared examination in a myriad of lived life, imagination and myths creating and being created by our lives. The angle that characterises the company, examining, challenging and without prejudice including, also makes it mark on this production. In a filmic expression the seemingly everyday is anchored in mythical material with room for the unpredictability of the human journey. In its deeply moving work this year's special artistic achievement award-winner embraces both hyper-realistic horror scenarios and spectacular beauty, and the whole of it is made with artistic fingerspitzgefühl, humility, authenticity and a level of ambition that is rare."

The Hedda Jury gave the following reason for the award to Boya Bøckman:

"The award goes to an audiovisual work that is not just an effect, well integrated in the performance, but also an active co-performer and deliverer of terms. The work ranges from the fully staged and directed to experiences of losing direction in one's own life. Moving from the created, studio-inspired stage design as framework, to a scarred quarry, the award winner manages to enter and create cosmic and human universes- as an innovator in his field."

At the webpage of Black Box Teater the following, among toher things, is written about The Ship Vol. 5*:

"De Utvalgte's ongoing site specific series, The Ship, has landed at Malérargues in France, a forest on the coast of Western Norway, a housing block in Greenland, Black Box teater in Oslo, and Terschelling in the Netherlands.

For its fifth instalment, The Ship will tie up on the coast next to a remote, atmospheric cliff edge on the Nesodden peninsula in the Oslo fjord, a scar excavated in the landscape where relics of mysterious, debauched celebrations wait to be discovered. Here, De Utvalgtegathers a mix of experienced and amateur performers, who will conduct the latest of their remarkable happenings responding to the natural and historical qualities of the geographic location in actions and eclectic musical approaches.

The Ship and the journey represent a quest for survival, new lands and possible futures. Working with technology, nature and cultural imprints, the production focuses on the theme of hubris."


Black Box Teater , www.blackbox.no, 15.08.2018, http://www.blackbox.no/tittel/the-ship-vol-5/

De Utvalgte, www.deutvalgte.no, 29.09.2021, https://www.deutvalgte.no/portfolio_page/skipet5/

Import from the Scenekunst.no list of openings 15.08.2018

The Hedda Award, www.heddaprisen.no, 16.10.19, https://www.heddaprisen.no/vinnere/2019

Sceneweb on The Hedda Award, www.sceneweb.no, 16.10.19, https://sceneweb.no/en/awarding/93019/The_Hedda_Award_2019-2019

Performance dates
September 23, 2018Spro Gruve og Steinbruddene (Ultima) Show
September 22, 2018Spro Gruve og Steinbruddene (Ultima) Show
September 21, 2018Spro Gruve og Steinbruddene (Ultima) Show
September 20, 2018Spro Gruve og Steinbruddene (Ultima) Show
September 16, 2018Spro Gruve og Steinbruddene (Ultima) Show
September 15, 2018 21:30 – Spro Gruve og Steinbruddene (Ultima) Worldwide premiere
Festivals (1)
Ultima September 15, 2018