A Hundred Rooms

A Hundred Rooms by Jesper Halle, produced by Teater Joker had its world wide premiere in The Open Theatre (Det Åpne Teater) the autumn of 2007.

The production reflected upon questions like the following: Can you choose again if you regret the choices you made? Can you dream the truth of your own life? Can you find the way home at the end?

A Hundred Rooms is a drama in which past, present and future merge, as in a dream and reflection upon the life choices of a man. Teater Joker performed the dream with absurd ideas and movie-like effects, exclusively created by the bodies of the performers.


(Objekt ID 805)
Object type Production
Premiere September 5, 2007
Produced by Teater Joker
Coproducers The Open Theatre (Det Åpne Teater)
Based on A Hundred Rooms by Jesper Halle
Audience Youth (from 15)
Language Norwegian
Keywords Theatre, Physical theatre
Running period September 5, 2007  —  September 29, 2007
Duration 1 hour
Website Det Åpne Teater, Teater Joker

Requirements to venue

Blackout Yes

The action in A Hundred Rooms takes place in a house with a hundred rooms, in which every room is a moment in life, where options are played out and a choice must be made. The main character, Faithful Johannes, hears a child cry. He promises to help the boy get home and become a captive of his own sense of duty.

Like our dreams can tell of experiences, persons and places without us controlling where it goes and why it is so, Faithful Johannes experiences the house of a hundred rooms. It is safe and unsafe at the same time, friends transform into strangers, rooms become afloat, love is changeable and it is impossible to see the consequences of his choices.

A Hundred Rooms was Jesper Halle's response to Strindberg's A Dream Play and it was made in artistic collaboration between Teater Joker and Jesper Halle. It is a piece of new Norwegian drama written particularly for the acting style of Teater Joker; cartoon mime. The expression made the playwright to explore the borders of drama and the text made the actors and directors develop the stage expression.

A Hundred Rooms by Teater Joker was supported by The Freedom of Expression Foundation Fritt Ord, The Fund for Performing Artists and Arts Council Norway.


The Open Theatre (Det Åpne Teater), detapneteater.no, 27.10.2010, http://www.detapneteater.no/pub/daat/forestillinger/?aid=388&cid=17&sac=all&viewall=1#daat

Contributors (18)
Name Role
Jesper Halle – Playwright
Niels Peter Underland – Direction
Raymond Enoksen – Music
Geirmund Simonsen – Music
Carl Jørn Johansen – Dramaturge
Franzisca Aarflot – Dramaturge
Christina Lovery – Costume design
Guri Glans – Actor
Charlotte Grundt – Actor
Fredrik Hannestad – Actor
Kim Atle Hansen – Actor
Yngve Marcussen – Actor
Kari Ramnefjell – Actor
Mario Rojas Bøckman – Actor
Haakon Strøm – Actor
Ragnhild Gjems – Mask design
Guri Glans – Producer
Pelle Ask – Consultant (Koreografisk konsulent)
Performance dates
September 29, 2007 15:00 – Hallen, The Open Theatre (Det Åpne Teater) (The Contemporary Stage Festival) Show
September 14, 2007Hallen, The Open Theatre (Det Åpne Teater) Show
September 13, 2007Hallen, The Open Theatre (Det Åpne Teater) Show
September 12, 2007Hallen, The Open Theatre (Det Åpne Teater) Show
September 7, 2007 23:00 – Hallen, The Open Theatre (Det Åpne Teater) (Oslo Culture Night) Show
September 6, 2007Hallen, The Open Theatre (Det Åpne Teater) Show
September 5, 2007Hallen, The Open Theatre (Det Åpne Teater) Worldwide premiere
Festivals (2)
The Contemporary Stage Festival September 29, 2007
Oslo Culture Night September 7, 2007
Press coverage

Aftenposten, September 10 2007:

"Newly written theatre surrealism using a particular and exciting stage expression."