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Forestillingsprogram til Oslo Nye Teaters produksjon Kong Oskar av ingenting (1991) pdf February 8, 2023 Download

Jesper Halle

Jesper Halle (born in 1956 in Oslo) is a Norwegian playwright.

Jesper Halle has received The Norwegian Ibsen Prize (for The Light of Days), the Nordic playwright award of the Wilhelm Hansen Foundation, The Hedda Award and the Nordic radio theatre award.

For the theatre his writing includes Life is a Beach, The Light of Days, Wild Ducks24 Unsuccessful Norwegians,The Littlewoods and I Am the Wind in the Trees.

The Littlewoods has been performed in Sweden, Denmark, Germany, USA and Portugal.


(Objekt ID 807)
Object type Person
Born 1956
Functions Dramatist/Playwright
Nationality Norwegian
Gender Male
Member of Writers’ Guild of Norway/WGN

Jesper Halle won The Hedda Award 2004 in the special artistic achievement category for his text for The Littlewoods, produced by Trøndelag Theatre in 2004.

The Hedda Jury gave the following reason:

"Many different professions contribute, each in their way, to letting the theatre maintain its unique hold of the audience, and many do a particularly excellent effort within other fields than the four or five established Hedda categories. To honour these The Hedda Jury has created the open category called special artistic achievement.

The winner of the year belongs to a group of artist it is impossible to be without, if the theatre is to renew itself and keep developing, and the works of the winner have, during the past season, been an important part of the repertoire of Trøndelag Theatre. The winner is a playwright, and the work for which he gets the award is a dark, disturbing text, convincingly recreating the apparently innocent world of childhood with an original dramatic effect.

Most must have guessed it by now: The award goes to playwright Jesper Halle for The Littlewoods, with its world wide premiere at Trøndelag Theatre."


Sceneweb on The Hedda Award 2004, www.sceneweb.no, 24.10.2012, http://www.sceneweb.no/en/awarding/23869/Heddaprisen_2004-2004

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