Henrik Ibsen - En dannelsesreise i Telemark* (Henrik Ibsen - An Education Journey in Telemark)

Henrik Ibsen - En dannelsesreise i Telemark* (Henrik Ibsen - An Education Journey in Telemark) was a theatre production produced by Ibsen Theatre in 2006. It took place aboard the channel boat Henrik Ibsen and contained excerpts from several Ibsen plays.

It was directed by Morten Traavik, Un-Magritt Nordseth and Anne Mali Sæther in collaboration.

The production was nominated for The Hedda Award 2006 in the theatre project of the year category.


The Hedda Award

Ibsen Theatre

*Not yet translated into English. The title within parentheses is the Norwegian title's literal meaning.


(Objekt ID 5861)
Object type Production
Premiere March 23, 2006
Produced by Ibsen Theatre
Based on Hedda Gabler by Henrik Ibsen; The Wild Duck by Henrik Ibsen; A Doll's House by Henrik Ibsen; The Lady from the Sea by Henrik Ibsen; The Feast at Solhaug by Henrik Ibsen; Little Eyolf by Henrik Ibsen
Audience Adults
Audience size 5686
Language Norwegian
Keywords Wandering Theatre, Outdoors theatre
Running period May 23, 2006  —  2007

Requirements to venue

Blackout No
Performance dates
May 23, 2007 New opening
March 23, 2006 Worldwide premiere
Press coverage

Kari Gisholt, Varden:

"Henrik Ibsen - en dannelsesreise i Telemark* (Henrik Ibsen - an education journey in Telemark) has entered the boat Henrik Ibsen and races through the Telemark channel with this summer's most distinct theatre experience aboard. (…) Ibsen Theatre has stretched the bow to the point of bursting. It doesn't matter much if not all is as good. This is unique."

Anne Lise Surtevju, TA:

"Ibsen Theatre has thrown itself into deep waters with this ambitious production, but the theatre has reached the end with heads well above water, if not better still... All in all this has become a unique, brave happening spun around the poetry of Ibsen."

Andreas Wiese, Dagbladet:

"As such Ibsen Theatre's Dannelsesreise* (Education Journey) becomes more than a tourist project, a journey with ambitions, to give its audience experiences as well as challenges."

*Not yet translated into English. The title within parentheses is the Norwegian title's literal meaning.