
TeaterTanken is a Norwegian think tank and non-profit organisation. The mission of TeaterTanken is to improve conditions for an artistically founded theatre in Norway through improving the discourse, and to promote innovation concerning theatre and art politics.

TeaterTanken was fonded in 2011 by, amongst others, Pia Maria Roll Jessen, Hans Henriksen, Marius von der Fehr og Ingvild Holm

TeaterTanken is organised as an association, in 2012 counting 50 members from all over the country. The members are performing artists within and outside of institutions, critics and theorists. TeaterTanken was established due to a need for a professional platform for competent thinking and collaboration across divides.

The name has a double meaning. "Teater" means "Theatre", whereas "Tanken" can mean "The Thought" as well as "The Tank".


(Objekt ID 24448)
Object type Organization
Organization type Association
Main focus Performing arts
Established June 16, 2011
Website TeaterTanken

Contact information

Address Oslo, Norway

Other information

Legal entity Non-profit organisation
Org nr. 997 084 012


Teatertanken. "Om å prioritere det frie feltet og frilanserne" på Scenekunst.no 13.03.2014, lastet 21.03.2019

Teatertanken. "Åpent brev til ledelsen og de ansatte ved Nationaltheatret" på Scenekunst.no 09.05.2014, lastet 21.03.2019

Brønnøysundregistrene, brreg.no, lastet 21.03.2019

Own productions (3)
Title Premiere
THEATRE IN TIMES OF CRISIS # 2 – February 23, 2012
Theatre in times of crisis – Navember 6, 2011
New Frontiers #1-8 – 2011
Co-productions (1)
Title Premiere
Scenekunnskap Chat Noir – January 22, 2013 – Ingvild Holm
Performance dates
Title Premiere
THEATRE IN TIMES OF CRISIS # 2 – February 23, 2012 – TeaterTanken
Theatre in times of crisis – Navember 6, 2011 – TeaterTanken
New Frontiers #1-8 – 2011 – TeaterTanken
Contributors (4)
Ingvild Holm – Member of board
Pia Maria Roll – Leader of board
Jo Adrian Haavind – Member of board
Jarl Flaaten Bjørk – Member of board