Pia Maria Roll

Also known as: Pia Maria Roll Jessen / Pia Roll

Pia Maria Roll is a Norwegian performing artist, writer, performer and director.


(Objekt ID 1815)
Object type Person
Also known as Pia Maria Roll Jessen / Pia Roll
Born May 25, 1970
Functions Director, Director, Dramaturge, Stage Artist
Nationality Norwegian
Gender Female
Adresse Oslo, Norway
Website Pia Maria Roll, Pia Maria Roll på STORE NORSKE LEKSIKON

Pia Maria Roll gained a lot of attention for her play The Street Scene in 2009. Roll was in 2010 in the news with Beyond Human Power III, a 'sequel' to Bjørnson's own Beyond Human Power II, with documentary parallels to our time.

In 2013 her Ship O'Hoi was nominated for The Hedda Award in the production of the year category.

Pia Maria Roll directed Run! Now! (Pia Maria Roll in collaboration with Brageteatret and Ibsen Theatre 2016), which was nominated for The Hedda Award 2016 in the best production for children and youth category.


The Bjørnson Festival, bjornsonfestivalen.no, 31.08.2010, http://www.bjornsonfestivalen.no/Informasjon/Deltakere/Roll-Pia-Maria

The Hedda Award, heddaprisen.no, 10.06.2013, http://www.heddaprisen.no/pub/heddaprisen/main/?aid=1176

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