Yngve Sundvor

Yngve Sundvor (born May 14 1968) is a Norwegian performing arts instructor, director and playwright. He is artistic director of the independent theatre company Statsteatret.

Yngve Sundvor grew up in Norheimsund in the region of Hardanger, and was educated at The Russian University of Theatre Arts (GITIS) in Moscow.


(Objekt ID 5669)
Object type Person
Born May 14, 1968
Functions Director, Instructor, Dramatist/Playwright
Nationality Norwegian
Gender Male
Email Yngve@statsteatret.no
Adresse Nesodden, Norway
Website StatsTeatret

Several times, Yngve Sundvor has dramatised and staged texts by Knut Hamsun, including Hunger (1999) at The National Theatre/Oslo Moderne Teater (Oslo Modern Theatre), Pan at Hålogaland Theatre (2008) and The Growth of Soil at Visjoner Teater (2005).

Yngve Sundvor directed The Beauty Queen of Leenane for Trøndelag Theatre and won The Hedda Award 1998 in best direction category. The production also won The Hedda Award 1998 in the production of the year category.

Yngve Sundvor won The Norwegian Critics' Award (theatre) 1998/1999 for his direction of Hunger, The National Theatre. He was also nominated for The Hedda Award 1999 in the best direction category for the same production, and Hunger won The Hedda Award 1999 in best production category.

In 1999 Yngve Sundvor directed De ti bud* (The Ten Commandments) for Ibsen Theatre. The theatre won The Hedda Award 2000 in the open category for the production.

In the period 2001-2003 Sundvor was the artistic director of The Norwegian Theatre's project called Utan filter (literally: No filter), a dogma theatre project with particular emphasis on newly written Norwegian drama and with a core of actors.

Among his other productions are A Doll's House (2004) and Plasticine (2009) for The National Theatre, The Master and Margarita (2005) and Miss Julie (2006) for Rogaland Theatre, Hedda Gabler (2006) and Hamlet (2007) for The Norwegian Touring Theatre (2006), The Cherry Orchard (2007) for The National Stage, The Executioner (2000) and No One Writes to the Colonel (2007) for The Norwegian Theatre.

Yngve Sundvor was among the founders of the independent theatre company Statsteatret, for which he is also the artistic director. The first six productions are 1066 - The Battle of Stamford Bridge (premiere in 2011) and 1349 - The Plague (premiere in 2012), 1537 - Danish Years! (premiere in 2013), 1814 - A Wild West Story from the Wild, Wild North (premiere in 2014), 1880 - America (premiere in 2015) and 1930 - The Dictator (premiere in 2016), all written and directed by Sundvor. The company aims to stage ten productions based on Norwegian history.

Yngve Sundvor wrote the text for and directed A Christmas for Carol (Rogaland Theatre 2015), which was nominated for The Hedda Award 2016 in the production of the year category.


The Hedda Award

The Norwegian Theatre

The National Theatre


Sceneweb on The Hedda Award 2000, www.sceneweb.no, 12.11.2012, http://www.sceneweb.no/en/awarding/23919/Heddaprisen_2000-2000

Sceneweb on The Hedda Award 1999, www.sceneweb.no, 14.11.2012, http://www.sceneweb.no/en/awarding/11521/The_Hedda_Award_1999-1999

Sceneweb on The Hedda Award 1998, www.sceneweb.no, 16.11.2012, http://www.sceneweb.no/en/awarding/23943/The_Hedda_Award_1998-1998

*Not yet translated into English. The title within parentheses is the Norwegian title's literal meaning.


The Russian University of Theatre Arts (GITIS)

Tilknyttet (2)
Artworks (7)
Title Publiseringsdato Role
Oh My God 2012, Script – Author
Mett 2002, Script – Author
Hotel Norge Script – Author
A Christmas for Carol 2015, Script – Author
Frykten Script – Author
Reksten - firmaets mann* (Reksten - man of the firm) 2012, Script – Author
Drømmen om en hvit jul 2023, Script, Christmas Production, Tragicomedy/Seriocomedy – Author