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Glenn André Kaada

Glenn André Kaada (born 1980) is a Norwegian actor. He has worked for Rogaland Theatre for most of his career.


(Objekt ID 4613)
Object type Person
Born May 23, 1980
Functions Director, Actor
Nationality Norwegian
Gender Male

Glenn André Kaada was nominated for The Hedda Award 2014 in the best direction category for his direction of Perplex by Marius von Mayenburg, produced by Rogaland Theatre. The same production won The Hedda Award in the production of the year category.

The Hedda Jury gave the following reason:

"The winner of The Hedda Award in the best production category is a playful, thoughtful and intelligent performance, succeeding in making complex philosophical problems and reflections accessible for the audience without turning to simplifying.

The director and the actors have realised the text's potential through using the theatre's options in creating a world where one may twist and turn reality. The result is an imaginative, entertaining staging, which invites the audience to examine the idea that categories such as identity, time and space are not as stable as we like to believe.

The production is not just rewarded because it pulled the audience with it into a world in which reality is dissolved and constantly changing. It also deserves recognition because it shows what artistic value there is in a successful collaboration between director and ensemble.

The production of the year award goes to Perplex."

In addition, the complete ensembles of Perplex and The Lady from the Sea won The Hedda Award 2014 in the special artistic achievement category. Kaada was also part of the acting ensemble in The Lady from the Sea, with Nina Ellen Ødegård, Cato Skimten Storengen, Helga Guren, Ingrid Rusten and Lars Funderud Johannessen. In Perplex the performers were Ingrid Rusten, Ragnhild Mønnes, Svein Solenes and Øystein Martinsen.

The Hedda Jury gave the following reason for the special artistic achievement award:

"The jury is free to decide if to give out a Hedda Award in the special artistic achievement category. This year the jury wishes to do so. The award doesn't go to a director, stage designer or playwright. Nor is it given to a single actor. Based on two productions at one and the same theatre the award goes to the full cast for their ensemble play.

The jury wants to honour the interaction between actors; the collective process lifting the individual's strong performance to theatre experiences of particular quality and value. One of the productions is a classic, the other a modern play. In both cases we found in the interaction a clarity and a naturalism demanding generosity and a feeling of security in the cast. This collective is a condition for the theatre.

The special artistic achievement award goes to the full ensembles of the productions The Lady from the Sea and Perplex at Rogaland Theatre."


The Hedda Award, heddaprisen.no, 19.05.2014, http://www.heddaprisen.no/pub/heddaprisen/main/?aid=1215

The Hedda Award 2014, www.heddaprisen.no, 16.06.2014, http://www.heddaprisen.no/pub/heddaprisen/main/?aid=1266

Tilknyttet (1)
Awards - Nominations (1)