Henrik møter Henrik* (Henrik meets Henrik)

Henrik møter Henrik* (Henrik meets Henrik) was a production by Kulturproduksjoner.

*Not yet translated into English. The title within parentheses is the Norwegian title's literal meaning.


(Objekt ID 909)
Object type Production
Produced by Kulturproduksjoner
Residency SEANSE – centre for art production
Language Norwegian
Website KULTURPRODUKSJONER, SEANSE - senter for kunstproduksjon

At the webpage of Kulturproduksjoner the following, among other things, is written about Henrik møter Henrik* (Henrik meets Henrik):

"The topic of the performance is the actor Henrik's meeting with and approach to the world of Wergeland. It is about harassment and about accepting oneself as one is.

The actor thinks back to his childhood in a small village, where he was harassed, because his parents had moved there, played theatre and were 'Wergeland freaks', as he says. He is opposed to his community, but also feels attracted to the rebel Wergeland. Not least because he thinks Wergeland looked like The Phantom, Mr Walker.

The Phantom comes to him in a dream, but all of a sudden he sees that it isn't The Phantom, it is Wergeland, and he lets Florilla (from the farce Lyv ikke!: literally Don't lie!) throw flowers upon his enemies as a 'revenge'.

Through the meeting with Wergeland the contemporary Henrik eventually gets a milder outlook on himself, his upbringing - and Wergeland. And when he really needs it, he gets help - from Henrik Wergeland.

The production is presented as a mix of personal stories, monologues, poem sequences, songs and scenes from the lives of Henrik and Wergeland. During the production we get to know Henrik, the people around him - and Wergeland.

The episodes are put together in a dramaturgically whole story.

Four of Wergeland's poems have been given new rock melodies. "


Kulturproduksjoner, kulturprod.no, 20.06.2012, http://www.kulturprod.no/index.php/tidligere-forestillinger/andre/91-henrik-moter-henrik

*Not yet translated into English. The title within parentheses is the Norwegian title's literal meaning.

Contributors (10)
Name Role
Svein Gundersen (teater) – Script
Karen Høie – Script
Henrik Høie – Script
Jonas Kippersund – Direction
Henrik Høie – Music
Jane Rasch – Dramaturge
Svein Gundersen (teater) – Stage design
Henrik Høie – Sound design
Henrik Høie – Actor
Karen Høie – Producer