SEANSE – centre for art production

SEANSE started under the name of Prøvekluten in 2004. The objective was increasing the quality of art practice in schools by offering professional competence regarding children and art to artists developing art for children and youth. In 2008 Prøvekluten ceased to exist and was replaced by SEANSE – centre for art production.

SEANSE is a collaboration projects between the county of Møre and Romsdal and Volda University College, supported by Arts Council Norway and The Ministry of Education and Research.


(Objekt ID 5920)
Object type Organization
Also known as SEANSE, formerly Prøvekluten
Organization type Competence centre
Main focus Children and youths, Multidisciplinary art, Research
Established January 1, 2008
Website Hjem - Seanse

Contact information

Address Postboks 500, 6101 Volda , Norway
Telefon 70 07 50 00

Other information

Legal entity Other

SEANSE – centre for art production at Volda University College is a competence centre emphasising developing art for children and youth in cooperation between kindergarten, school and the art field. SEANSE offers support to art project through work residencies for artists. The centre also arranges workshops and conferences.

SEANSE includes all art expressions and has as an objective to create high-quality productions aimed towards children and youth.

SEANSE directs its work towards artists, cultural workers, kindergarten employees, school employees and researchers.

Own productions (1)
Title Premiere
Co-productions (4)
Contributors (3)
Karstein Solli – Artistic director (fra January 1, 2009)
Marit Ulvund – Leader
Kristian Glomnes Selon – Producer