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Season program catalog Black Box Theater the autumn of 2008. pdf August 2008 Download

Desert Walker

Desert Walker by Motherboard. Desert Walker was a conceptual dance production mainly building on Samuel Beckett's choreography Quad from 1981. April 17 2008 Motherboard performed the production in Bonneville Salt Flats in Utah, USA. October 31 2008 in Black Box Teater the focus lay on the process and the result of the performance no one witnessed.


(Objekt ID 8874)
Object type Production
Produced by Motherboard
Based on Quad by Samuel Beckett
Number of events 1
Keywords Dance, Contemporary dance, Land Art, Performance, Work-in-progress, Durational performance, Lecture, Multimedia, Re-enactment, Conversation(s), Contemporary dance, Site spesific performance, Multidisciplinary, Video
Running period October 31, 2008  
Website www.liveart.org

Requirements to venue

Blackout No

Motherboard presented its work with Desert Walker the following way, in the program of Black Box Teater (translated by Sceneweb's Lillian Bikset):

"On a stage stretching longer than the eye can see, four solo walkers performed a serial choreography. For more than ten hours they walked, in silence and without bending, along the sides and over the diagonals of an area whose size stretches over more than 160.000 square meters. They started from each their corner at various cyclic times with simple instruction, attempting to keep up a precise synchronicity in time and room for the duration of the performance.

Just the sounds of the desert and the crunch of salt underneath their feet accompanied them. The performance was documented on video from several determined and roaming perspectives.

It may seem simple on the surface - but what happens when one for the first time throws four performers whose backgrounds are widely dissimilar together to fulfil the project? To which degree does the video documentation affect the experience of the performance? At what point crosses Desert Walker the borders between performance and Land Art? And what is left when one stops walking?"

During the presentation at Black Box Teater the story of Desert Walker was told in different manners, including a mini version of the choreography, video and photo material, conversation and discussion, in which all the participators in the project took part.

The project was supported by Arts Council Norway and CLUI (Centre for Land Use Interpretation).

Sources: Wegge, Sara, Julie Rongved Amundsen, Marianne Dyrnes Vallat and Kristian Seltun (ed.) (2008). Article titled På Ørkenvandring* (Wandering in the desert). Black Box Teater’s program the autumn of 2008.

*Not yet translated into English. The title within parentheses is the Norwegian title's literal meaning.

Contributors (9)
Name Role
Per Platou – Direction
Amanda Steggell – Direction
Håkon Gundersen – Performer
Saila Hyttinen – Performer
Kristine Karåla Øren – Performer
Annesofie Norn – Documentation
Per Platou – Documentation
Amanda Steggell – Documentation
Leon Cullinane – Other
Performance dates
October 31, 2008 19:00 – Lille scene (Marstrandgata), Black box teater Work-in-progress