
Quad (1981) is a choreographic work by Samuel Beckett, written in 1981 and published in 1984. In the book Collected Shorter Plays of Samuel Beckett (London: Faber and Faber, 1984), the work was described as a "piece for four players, light and percussion". Quad also has been referred to as "a ballet for four persons".

Wikipedia, wikipedia.org, 11.11.2010, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Quad_(play)


(Objekt ID 8871)
Object type Artwork
Work type Script
Published 1984
Original language English
Creators (1)
Samuel Beckett – Author
Productions (3)
Title Premiere
4 (Ning) 2004
Quad (Andanse Theatre) 1992
Desert Walker (Motherboard)