Sluttspill (The Arctic Theatre) |
January 27, 2024 |
Playwright |
Mens vi venter på Godot (Det Ukjente Teateret) |
May 19, 2023 |
Playwright |
Happy Days (The National Theatre) |
February 14, 2020 |
Playwright |
Mens vi venter på Godot (Thesbiteatret (The Thesbi Theatre)) |
October 10, 2019 |
Playwright |
Endgame (Trøndelag Theatre) |
January 13, 2018 |
Playwright |
Rough (The Norwegian Theatre) |
January 21, 2017 |
Playwright |
Krapp's Last Tape (The Norwegian Theatre) |
August 22, 2015 |
Playwright |
Handle with care (Karstein Solli Productions) |
Navember 19, 2014 |
Text |
Happy Days (Teatret Vårt (Our Theatre)) |
April 10, 2014 |
Playwright |
Waiting for Godot (The Norwegian Touring Theatre (Riksteatret)) |
January 9, 2014 |
Playwright |
Waiting for Godot (The Norwegian Touring Theatre (Riksteatret)) |
October 10, 2013 |
Playwright |
Waiting for Godot (The Norwegian Touring Theatre (Riksteatret)) |
October 3, 2013 |
Playwright |
Gatelangs (Thesbiteatret (The Thesbi Theatre)) |
September 26, 2012 |
Text |
['bæːɾə] (Rom for Dans) |
April 19, 2012 |
Text |
Waiting for Godot (Teater Innlandet) |
April 13, 2012 |
Playwright |
KYLIÁN - WILD FLOWERS - No more play - Sarabande - Tar and Feathers - Symphony of Psalms (The Norwegian National Opera & Ballet) |
April 9, 2011 |
Text |
Pinter møter Beckett* (Pinter meets Beckett) (Nordland Theatre) |
December 8, 2010 |
Playwright |
Happy Days (The Norwegian Theatre) |
October 29, 2010 |
Playwright |
Waiting for Godot (The Arctic Theatre) |
May 19, 2010 |
Playwright |
Ohio Impromptu (Thesbiteatret (The Thesbi Theatre)) |
2010 |
Playwright |
Sluttspill (Rogaland Theatre) |
August 29, 2009 |
Playwright |
Waiting for Godot (Trøndelag Theatre) |
March 1, 2008 |
Playwright |
BECKETT (The National Theatre) |
January 18, 2008 |
Playwright |
BECKETT (The National Theatre) |
Navember 17, 2007 |
Playwright |
Waiting for Godot (The National Theatre) |
April 16, 2005 |
Playwright |
4 (Ning) |
May 7, 2004 |
Playwright |
Endgame (The National TheatreThe Torshov Theatre) |
January 24, 2004 |
Playwright |
Happy Days (Trøndelag Theatre) |
May 2, 2003 |
Playwright |
Endgame (Teatret Vårt (Our Theatre)Dukkespilleriet) |
January 11, 2001 |
Playwright |
Kommer og går (Thesbiteatret (The Thesbi Theatre)) |
2001 |
Playwright |
Pust og fem (The Norwegian Theatre) |
September 13, 2000 |
Playwright |
Steg (The National Stage) |
May 20, 1999 |
Playwright |
Gyngestolen (The National Stage) |
May 20, 1999 |
Playwright |
Endgame (The National Stage) |
May 20, 1999 |
Playwright |
En attendant Godot (Théatre Vidy-Lausanne) |
1999 |
Playwright |
Mens vi venter på Godot (Thesbiteatret (The Thesbi Theatre)) |
1999 |
Playwright |
Beckett 99 (Gruvekompaniet) |
1999 |
Playwright |
Happy Days (Kungliga Operan, Stockholm) |
September 5, 1998 |
Playwright |
Deilige dager (Thesbiteatret (The Thesbi Theatre)) |
1998 |
Playwright |
Mens vi venter på Godot (Thesbiteatret (The Thesbi Theatre)) |
1998 |
Playwright |
Happy Days (The National Theatre) |
Navember 2, 1996 |
Playwright |
Beckett og Beckett (Pikene På Broen) |
Navember 1996 |
Playwright |
@å (Oslo Moderne Teater) |
August 1996 |
Text |
Krapp's Last Tape (Grenland Friteater) |
May 29, 1996 |
Playwright |
Ein sørgjeleg time med Tom Tellefsen kanskje to...* (A mournful hour with Tom Tellefsen, perhaps two) (The Norwegian Theatre) |
March 21, 1996 |
Author |
Waiting for Godot (Gamlebyen Teater) |
1996 |
Playwright |
Happy Days (Sampo Teater) |
Navember 15, 1995 |
Playwright |
Mens vi venter på Godot (Statens teaterhøgskole) |
October 16, 1995 |
Playwright |
Krapps siste spole (Thesbiteatret (The Thesbi Theatre)) |
1995 |
Playwright |
Beckett og Beckett (Pikene På Broen) |
Navember 21, 1994 |
Playwright |
Spill (Oslo Nye Teater (Oslo New Theatre)) |
Navember 1, 1994 |
Playwright |
Hva Hvor (Oslo Nye Teater (Oslo New Theatre)) |
March 15, 1994 |
Playwright |
BECKETT! BECKETT! BECKETT! - Waiting for Godot (The National TheatreThe Torshov Theatre) |
October 15, 1993 |
Playwright |
BECKETT! BECKETT! BECKETT! - Spill (The National TheatreThe Torshov Theatre) |
October 15, 1993 |
Playwright |
BECKETT! BECKETT! BECKETT! - Endgame (The National TheatreThe Torshov Theatre) |
October 15, 1993 |
Playwright |
Happy Days (The National Stage) |
Navember 28, 1992 |
Playwright |
Krapps siste spole (The National Stage) |
March 28, 1992 |
Playwright |
Alone together (The National Stage) |
March 7, 1992 |
Playwright |
Waiting for Godot (Teatret Vårt (Our Theatre)) |
October 9, 1991 |
Playwright |
Trass alt (The Norwegian Theatre) |
February 14, 1991 |
Author |
Is it still daytime? (Passage Nord Project) |
May 11, 1990 |
Author |
Happy Days (Nordland Theatre) |
March 28, 1990 |
Playwright |
Endgame (Trøndelag Theatre) |
February 3, 1990 |
Playwright |
Spill (Thesbiteatret (The Thesbi Theatre)) |
January 6, 1990 |
Playwright |
Handling uten ord II (Thesbiteatret (The Thesbi Theatre)) |
1990 |
Playwright |
Sort Plastik (Svalegangen Teater) |
September 23, 1989 |
Text |
Krapps siste spole (Rogaland Theatre) |
September 12, 1989 |
Playwright |
Endgame (Entré Teatret) |
September 6, 1989 |
Playwright |
Happy Days (Rogaland Theatre) |
September 10, 1988 |
Playwright |
Spel utan ord (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's TV drama division) |
May 10, 1988 |
Playwright |
Waiting for Godot (Haugesund Theatre) |
March 16, 1988 |
Playwright |
Waiting for Godot (Haugesund Theatre) |
March 8, 1988 |
Playwright |
Waiting for Godot (Entré Teatret) |
January 12, 1988 |
Playwright |
Mens vi venter på Godot (The National Stage) |
1988 |
Playwright |
Waiting for Godot (Teater Mars) |
May 27, 1986 |
Playwright |
Waiting for Godot (The National Theatre) |
April 29, 1986 |
Playwright |
Happy Days (The Norwegian Theatre) |
April 19, 1986 |
Playwright |
Ein sørgjeleg time med Tom Tellefsen kanskje to...* (A mournful hour with Tom Tellefsen, perhaps two) (The Norwegian Theatre) |
April 5, 1986 |
Author |
Krig Del II - Sluttspill (Rogaland Theatre) |
January 15, 1986 |
Playwright |
Krapp's Last Tape (Nordland Theatre) |
June 24, 1985 |
Playwright |
Beckett 85 (Anno 84) |
March 3, 1985 |
Playwright |
Happy Days (Teatret Vårt (Our Theatre)) |
February 7, 1985 |
Playwright |
Cascando / Ord og musikk (Anno 84) |
1985 |
Playwright |
Katastrofe av og til Havel (The Norwegian Theatre) |
March 30, 1984 |
Playwright |
Words and music (Anno 84) |
1984 |
Playwright |
Vera saman (The Norwegian Theatre) |
April 13, 1983 |
Playwright |
Seks enaktere av Samuel Beckett (Thesbiteatret (The Thesbi Theatre)) |
1982 |
Playwright |
Deilige dager (Statens teaterskole) |
December 13, 1981 |
Playwright |
Beckett 75 (The Norwegian Theatre) |
April 2, 1981 |
Author |
Endgame (Thesbiteatret (The Thesbi Theatre)) |
1981 |
Playwright |
Breath and four (The Norwegian Theatre) |
January 31, 1980 |
Playwright |
Endgame (The National Stage) |
March 10, 1978 |
Playwright |
Kva, Joe? (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's TV drama division) |
May 10, 1977 |
Playwright |
Krapp's Last Tape (Trøndelag Theatre) |
February 21, 1977 |
Playwright |
6 beckett (The Norwegian Theatre) |
October 11, 1975 |
Playwright |
Waiting for Godot (Trøndelag Theatre) |
April 10, 1975 |
Playwright |
Musikkdramatisk rapport (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's TV drama division) |
Navember 1, 1974 |
Text |
Krapp's Last Tape (Thesbiteatret (The Thesbi Theatre)) |
July 1974 |
Playwright |
Happy Days (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's TV drama division) |
March 5, 1974 |
Playwright |
Handling uten ord II (Thesbiteatret (The Thesbi Theatre)) |
March 1974 |
Playwright |
Handling uten ord II (Scene 7) |
1974 |
Playwright |
I denne harde tid (Musidra) |
1974 |
Text |
Krapp's Last Tape (Thesbiteatret (The Thesbi Theatre)) |
August 1973 |
Playwright |
Alle dem som faller (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's radio drama division) |
Navember 11, 1971 |
Playwright |
Endgame (The Norwegian Theatre) |
September 3, 1971 |
Playwright |
Vi kommer og vi går (Musidra) |
1971 |
Text |
Waiting for Godot (The Norwegian Theatre) |
October 7, 1970 |
Playwright |
Mens vi venter på Godot (Statens teaterskole) |
1970 |
Playwright |
Happy Days (The National Theatre) |
1970 |
Playwright |
Mens vi venter på Godot (Rogaland Theatre) |
1970 |
Playwright |
Waiting for Godot (The National Stage) |
August 27, 1969 |
Playwright |
Sluttspill (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's TV drama division) |
May 6, 1969 |
Playwright |
Happy Days (The National Theatre) |
March 2, 1968 |
Playwright |
Mens vi venter på Godot (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's TV drama division) |
February 16, 1965 |
Playwright |
Spill (The National Theatre) |
January 25, 1964 |
Playwright |
Krapps siste spole (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's TV drama division) |
October 24, 1963 |
Playwright |
Happy Days (Fiolteatret, Copenhagen) |
1963 |
Playwright |
Sluttspill (Rogaland Theatre) |
February 20, 1961 |
Playwright |
Waiting for Godot (Det Nye Teater) |
February 13, 1955 |
Playwright |
Fail better... (Alpaca EnsembleZerberus TheatreNeither Nor Productions) |
Playwright |