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Forestillingsprogram for Nationaltheatrets produksjon Byggmester Solness (2018). pdf September 8, 2018 Download

The Master Builder

The Master Builder (2018) is a planned theatre production by The National Theatre, based on the play by Henrik Ibsen. The production will be performed at the theatre's main stage.

Stéphane Braunschweig directs it.

Mads Ousdal plays the role of Halvard Solness.

Mariann Hole plays the role of Hilde Wangel.

The Master Builer opens during The Ibsen Festival 2018.


(Objekt ID 86063)
Object type Production
Premiere September 8, 2018
Produced by The National Theatre
Based on The Master Builder by Henrik Ibsen
Audience Adults
Language Norwegian
Keywords Theatre, Drama
Running period September 8, 2018  
Website Nationaltheatret

At the webpage of The National Theatre the following, among other things, is written about The Master Builder:

"Master builder Halvard Solness has put his best and his worst years behind him. He has experienced his most severe crisis with his wife: A fire in Aline's childhood home destroyed her, but brought him an excellent career as an architect. Halvard is at a crossroads. What's next?

He has spent his whole career building houses for inhabitation, but he has never been able to create a home for himself or his family. Now, the master builder is mortally afraid of being surpassed by younger forces. But is it possible that his own powers are his real enemy? Suddenly, the young Hilde Wangel shows up to demand the fulfilment of a ten year old promise. Can she convince the master builder to stand up against his fears and complete the feat of his life?

The Master Builder is among Ibsen's last plays, about a successful man, possessed by demons, a man who has sacrificed both his own and others' happiness for his art."

In a press release from The National Theatre the following, among other things, is written about The Master Builder:

"In September The International Ibsen Festival is arranged. The National Theatre stages three plays by Ibsen: The Master Builder at the main stage, Hedda Gabler at The Torshov Theatre and The Vikings at Helgelandat Malersalen.

- And if there is one trait that characterises these plays, it is the strong, independent- and not particularly sympathetic - female roles. This keeps being called for, in movies and theatre. So get ready for a meeting with Hjørdis, Hedda and Hilde - women who don't hesitate to serve themselves. Often at the cost of the people and the men (SIC) surrounding them, head of The National Theatre, Hanne Tømta, says.

At the occasion of the festival, The National Theatre also presents a recent play written by the humorous, tongue in cheek and existential playwright and resident director at The National Theatre, Jonas Corell Petersen, Arbeidstittel: Savnet fellesskap* (Working title: Community missing).

These productions can be enjoyed throughout the autumn - including after the end of the festival."


Press release from The National Theatre via My Newsdesk 26.04.2018, www.mynewsdesk.com, 26.04.2018, http://www.mynewsdesk.com/no/nationaltheatret/pressreleases/teaterhoesten-2018-er-lansert-2489696

The National Theatre, nationaltheatret.no, 26.04.2018, https://www.nationaltheatret.no/forestillinger/byggmester-solness/

*Not yet translated into the English. The title within parentheses is the Norwegian title's literal meaning.

**The National Theatre uses the word 'demonisert', meaning 'demonised'. From the context, it is clear that 'possessed by demons' better conveys the meaning.

Performance dates
September 8, 2018 18:00 – Hovedscenen, Nationaltheatret, The National Theatre (The Ibsen Festival) Opening night
Festivals (1)
The Ibsen Festival September 8, 2018