The Test - Safari - The Crocodile

The Test - Safari - The Crocodile (2008) was a staged reading by Blendwerk at The Open Theatre (Det Åpne Teater). It was based on three texts by the Norwegian playwright Maria Tryti Vennerød,

Mads Henning Jørgensen directed The Test and Safari.

Terje Ranes directed The Crocodile.

The Test: A man, a young girl and a paternity test.
Safari: A disturbing, macabre battle takes place in a zoo.
The Crocodile: Celine Beatrice unfortunately has to kill her hen.


(Objekt ID 852)
Object type Production
Premiere January 23, 2008
Produced by Blendwerk
Based on Testen* (The Test) by Maria Tryti Vennerød; Safari by Maria Tryti Vennerød; Krokodillen* (The Crocodile) by Maria Tryti Vennerød
Audience Youth, Adults (from 16)
Language Norwegian
Keywords Theatre
Running period January 23, 2008  
Website Det Åpne Teater

Requirements to venue

Minimum stage width 4m
Maximum stage width 6m
Minimum stage depth 4m
Maximum stage depth 6m
Minimum stage height 2m
Maximum stage height 10m
Audio requirements PA with at least 2 loudspeakers
Blackout Yes
Other Performed in a square, with the audience on all four sides.All corners must be open for entrances and exits.

Blendwerk performed in a square amphi, presenting the audiences with an extreme close-up on the actors, the text material and the action.

In The Test, the Father/Daughter relationship is examined, whereas The Crocodile is about a lonely female figure in constant battle with her duties, (her and others') expectations and perhaps most: broken dreams. Safari, written on commission from Blendwerk, deals with the relationship and conflict between man and woman, thus seeking to reflect upon the relationships and conflicts between rich and poor, North and South, in which the global poverty issue becomes a backdrop for a dramatic half an hour’s adventure in a zoo.

The Test was the winner of the 2006 Norwegian playwright competition during The Norwegian Drama Festival in 2006. Safari is a work made especially for Blendwerk and it has been performed at the Conference on Globalization in 2006 as well as part of the 2007 The Norwegian Drama Festival. The Crocodile was first performed at Ibsen Theatre in Skien, Norway, in a version directed by Jon Tombre.

The Test - Safari - The Crocodile was performed at The Open Theatre (Det Åpne Teater) the spring of 2008.

Safari - The Crocodile was performed at The Open Theatre (Det Åpne Teater) the spring of 2009.


The Open Theatre (Det Åpne Teater),, 10.10.2010,

The Open Theatre (Det Åpne Teater),, 10.10.2010,

Contributors (18)
Name Role
Maria Tryti Vennerød – Playwright
Terje Ranes – Direction (Krokodillen)
Mads Henning Skar-Jørgensen – Direction (Safari og Testen)
Marius Kolbenstvedt – Music
Jørgen Rief – Music
Mads Henning Skar-Jørgensen – Music
Monica Borg Fure – Stage design
Terje Ranes – Stage design
Helge Rinnan – Stage design
Mads Henning Skar-Jørgensen – Stage design
Monica Borg Fure – Actor (Molly / Celine Beatrice)
Silje Breivik – Actor (Silje)
Terje Ranes – Actor (Teddy / Trond Morten)
Mads Henning Skar-Jørgensen – Photo
Helge Rinnan – Lighting technician
Mads Henning Skar-Jørgensen – Technician
Monica Borg Fure – Producer
Terje Ranes – Producer
Performance dates
February 7, 2009Hallen, The Open Theatre (Det Åpne Teater) Show
January 26, 2008Hallen, The Open Theatre (Det Åpne Teater) Show
January 25, 2008Hallen, The Open Theatre (Det Åpne Teater) Show
January 24, 2008Hallen, The Open Theatre (Det Åpne Teater) Show
January 23, 2008Hallen, The Open Theatre (Det Åpne Teater) Worldwide premiere
Press coverage

Gerd Elin Stava Sandva, Dagsavisen 25.01.2008:

"As a whole The Test – Safari – The Crocodile spreads in many directions. The performance is still worth watching, if for nothing but the fresh outlook at the world as a zoo."