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Sesongprogram fra Trøndelag Teater 2017. pdf January 2017 Download
Sesongprogram fra Trøndelag Teater 2018. pdf January 2018 Download

Uår av Terje Vigen* (Crop failure by Terje Vigen)

Uår av Terje Vigen* (Crop failure by Terje Vigen) (2017) was s a theatre production by Trøndelag Theatre in collaboration with Nordland Theatre, based on a text for the stage by Lisa Lie, loosely inspired by Henrik Ibsen's epic poem Terje Vigen. The production was performed in Trøndelag Theatre's venue Studioscenen, prior to being performed at Nordland Theatre.

Director was Lisa Lie .

Uår av Terje Vigen was performed as a visiting performance at The Norwegian Touring Theatre in Oslo during the festival Heddadagene 2018.

*Not yet translated into the English. The title within parentheses is the Norwegian title's literal meaning.


(Objekt ID 78583)
Object type Production
Premiere December 14, 2017
Produced by Trøndelag Theatre, Nordland Theatre
Coproducers Norwegian Centre for New Playwriting (NCNP)
Based on Terje Vigen by Henrik Ibsen; Uår av Terje Vigen by Lisa Charlotte Baudouin Lie
Audience Adults
Audience size 1200
Number of events 29
Language Norwegian
Keywords Theatre, Drama
Running period December 14, 2017  
Duration 1 hour, 35 minutes
Website Trøndelag Teater

At the website of Trøndelag Theatre the following, among other things, is written about Uår av Terje Vigen* (Crop failure by Terje Vigen):

"Henrik Ibsen's epic poem Terje Vigen (1861) is much-loved popular reading. The action is set during the Napoleon Wars, when there was a grain blockade and famine in the country. The poem depicts how Terje Vigen rows to Denmark for food for his family, and the tragedies he encounters along the way. When director Lisa Lie uses Terje Vigen as the starting point for her staging of Uår av Terje Vigen, one may expect an independent artistic work, where human decline and struggle to survive will be described in an unlimited universe - at the edge of complete Armageddon.

In Uår av Terje Vigen, we meet one who might be Terje Vigen, a Lobster and a Sea Witch. On the furthermost reef there could be, it is unclear if war is over, if world has ended or if it is about to do so. In a world haunted by hunger and illness, the human becomes animal. It is about survival, mentally and physically, in the battle against each other and against nature.

Lisa Lie is known for creating free-standing universes, with their own distinct rules. References to real life, fairytales and the inheritance from classic culture are mixed with a particularly expressive form and a good portion of humour."


Import from the Scenekunst.no list of openings 16.10.2017

Trøndelag Theatre, trondelag-teater.no, 14.11.2017, http://trondelag-teater.no/forestillinger/uar-av-terje-vigen/

*Not yet translated into the English. The title within parentheses is the Norwegian title's literal meaning.

Performance dates
June 15, 2018Riksteatret, The Norwegian Touring Theatre (Riksteatret) (Heddadagene) visiting performance
June 14, 2018Riksteatret, The Norwegian Touring Theatre (Riksteatret) (Heddadagene) visiting performance
February 10, 2018Black Box, Nordland Teater, Nordland Theatre New opening
December 14, 2017Studioscenen, Trøndelag Teater, Trøndelag Theatre Worldwide premiere
Festivals (1)
Heddadagene June 14, 2018