Lisa Charlotte Baudouin Lie

Also known as: Lisa Lie

Lisa C. B. Lie (born 1980 in Trondheim) is a Norwegian performing artist, slam poet, director and writer.

Lie was educated at The Norwegian Theatre Academy in Fredrikstad. She and Stina Kajaso make up the performing arts company Sons of Liberty.

In addition, Lisa Lie manages the performing arts platform Pony of No Return.

Lie made her debut as a poet in 2000 with the poetry collection Forbausende få katastrofer (literally: Surprisingly few disasters), and in 2005 came her novel Armless Strikes Back.


(Objekt ID 1504)
Object type Person
Also known as Lisa Lie
Born October 31, 1980
Functions Author, Director, Actor, Dramatist/Playwright, Stage Artist
Nationality Norwegian
Gender Female
Member of The Norwegian Actors’ Equity Association/NAEA, Writers’ Guild of Norway/WGN, Norwegian Writers’ Centre
Email lisacblie(at)
Website Lisa Lie

Stina Kajaso and Lisa C. B. Lie stood behind Oktober forlag's release of SONS OF LIBERTYs udistanserte Hongi hjerter og hjerner spiddet av enhjørningens anti-transcendentale regnbågs hallojs rosa horfluff med en twist (literally: Sons of Liberty's undistanced Hongi hearts and brains impaled by the unicorn's anti-transcendental rainbow's hallo-o-o pink horfluff with a twist), a book with Sons of Libertys' stage texts: Duell: Sons of Liberty II* (Duel: Sons of Liberty II)), God Hates Scandinavia: Sons of Liberty III and Swamped in Sensation, plus the solo plays Talk Softly But Carry A Big Stick (Lisa Lie) and Knif (Stina Kajaso).

The performance theatre duo Sons of Liberty was a result of the collaboration between the performing artists Lisa Lie and Stina Kajaso after graduating from The Norwegian Theatre Academy in Fredrikstad in 2003. Sons of Liberty has influenced Norwegian performing arts through a mix of pop culture, thrash and misanthropic honesty. Together the duo has also created stunts, video works and installations.

Lisa Lie was a playwright-in-residence at Norwegian Centre for New Playwriting in 2014-2015.

Lisa Lie and Pony of No Return were nominated for The Hedda Award 2015 in the best stage text category for the text for Blue Motel, co-produced by Trøndelag Theatre, Black Box Teater, BIT Teatergarasjen and Turteatern/MDT. Lie also directed the production. She won The Hedda Award in the special artistic achievement category for her complete work on the production.

The Hedda Jury gave the following reason:

"The person who is given the special artistic achievement award of the year is in many ways a wonderful exemplar of the kind of artistic mighty effort that ought to be rewarded with this award. The winner had the idea, wrote the text and directed a weird and magical performance that mesmerised its audience. The winner is rewarded with The Hedda Award for her admirable urge to explore, her will and skill in making intelligent and funny performing arts filled with strange insights.

The Hedda Award for special artistic achievement goes to Lisa Lie for her concept, text and direction of Blue Motel."

Lie won The Norwegian Ibsen Award 2020 for her text Mare.

The jury gave the following reason:

"Mare by Lisa Lie is a subtle and intelligent weave of references, characterised by musicality, originality and warmth. Springing out from Euripides' Medea, Lie spins forth a rich dramatic landscape in the range between classical tragedy and modern life view. The mythological, near archaic understanding of Medea is turned around, given a contemporary and intelligent perspective. The mythical is connected to our own time and age through ancient and contemporary references, and it becomes a journey into a mythical landscape, where the end stop is inside ourselves. The range between the post-dramatic structure, in which the stage design takes the place of a driving dramaturgical element, and monologues bringing the reader close to the main character, brings the drama close. As Medea says:

All we do against the defenceless. Without being able to see that it happens. Beneath our streets. Inside the houses. The missing children. Those who disappear. Those who have none to defend them. The betrayal from those who claim they defend them. And there I am. I mirror you. The darkness in you.

(Translated by Lillian Bikset for this Sceneweb entry. The original text is not translated into the English, and it sounds as follows: Alt det vi gjer mot dei forsvarslause. Utan at vi klarer å sjå at det skjer. Under gatene våre. Inne i husa. Dei sakna barna. Dei som forsvinn. Dei som ikkje har nokon til å forsvare seg. Svikta av dei som påstår forsvare dei. Og der har du meg. Eg speglar deg. Mørket i deg.)"


Lisa Charlotte Baudouin Lie

The Hedda Award,, 20.05.2015,

The Hedda Award,, 21.06.2015,

The municipality of Skien,, 02.04.2020,

*Not yet translated into the English. The title within parentheses is the Norwegian title's literal meaning.


The Norwegian Theatre Academy in Fredrikstad (Østfold College University)

Tilknyttet (3)
Artworks (13)
Title Publiseringsdato Role
God Hates Scandinavia: Sons of Liberty III Script – Author
Utiseta 2022, Script, Dream Play, Drama, Fairytale, Comedy, Rap, Satire, Surrealism, Tragicomedy/Seriocomedy – Author
Det er bedre å kappe det av enn å gå gjennom livet 2015, Script – Author
Blue Motell 2013, Script – Author
Woodland Games - Talk Softly But Carry a Big Stick 2007, Script – Author
I Cloni 2016, Script – Author
Red, Snow and The Wolf 2006, Script – Author
Uår av Terje Vigen 2017, Script, Tragicomedy/Seriocomedy – Author
Jeg hater at verden er sånn* (I hate that the world is like this) 2005, Script, Monologue – Author
Kaspar Hauser oder die Ausgestoßenen könnten jeden Augenblick angreifen! 2017, Script – Author
Vake 2019, Script – Author
Mare 2019, Script, Tragicomedy/Seriocomedy – Author
Ad undas - Solaris korrigert 2013, Music, Opera, – Author