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Forestillingsprogram for Teater Innlandets produksjon Hedda Gabler (2015). pdf September 24, 2015 Download

Hedda Gabler

Hedda Gabler (2015) was a theatre production by Teater Innlandet, based on the play by Henrik Ibsen. The premiere took place at Hadeland Kultursal.

Lars Erik Holter directed it.

Ragne Grande interpreted the title role.


(Objekt ID 71584)
Object type Production
Premiere September 24, 2015
Produced by Teater Innlandet
Based on Hedda Gabler by Henrik Ibsen
Audience Adults
Language Norwegian
Keywords Drama, Theatre
Running period September 24, 2015  
Website Nationaltheatret

At the website of Teater Innlandet the following, among other things, is written about Hedda Gabler:

"What is with Hedda Gabler? We are still captured by the mysterious female character. She is attractive, unsympathetic and manipulative. Why? What is with Hedda Gabler?

Teater Innlandet's version of Ibsen's classic is raw, humorous and rough. The text has been modernised by director Lars Erik Holter."


Import from the Scenekunst.no list of openings 04.08.2015 

Teater Innlandet, www.teaterinnlandet.no, 08.05.16,

Performance dates
September 16, 2016Torshovteatret - Hovedsalen (The Ibsen Festival) Show
September 24, 2015Hadeland Kultursal Opening night
Festivals (1)
The Ibsen Festival September 16, 2016
Press coverage

Lillian Bikset, Hedda Gabler-versjon som er psykologisk sterk, innsiktsfull og klar (literally: Hedda Gabler version that is psychologically strong, insightful and clear), Dagbladet, September 27 2015:

"Of all the Jørgen (George) Tesmans the undersigned has seen, and the number is approaching twenty, the one belonging to Herman Bernhoft must be the most interesting one so far. This is not a naive follower. He is likely shy of conflict, and a conformist, that's true, a man who wants to look at the bright side of every situation and every person, but he is also a man who understands more of his surroundings and his wife than we are usually shown. This also makes the relationship between him and Hedda a more complex one than we are used to see. In key moments, it is made clear that he, too, stands at cross-roads. By the start of the performance both have begun to realise that their marriage was a mistake. He still tries to make the best of it. With small, insignificant gestures he tries to soften her disapproval. She sulks. She tests his patience. They argue about the small stuff. But the power balance between them is not fully in her favour."