Terje Vigen

Terje Vigen (2002) was a storytelling theatre production by Oslo Moderne Teater (Oslo Modern Theatre) in collaboration with The National Theatre and Kirkelig Kulturverksted (KKV). Terje Vigen was based on the epic poem by Henrik Ibsen. The production used music composed especially for it by Terje Johannesen. It was performed in Kulturkirken Jakob (Jakob Culture Church) during The International Ibsen Festival 2002.

Gard B. Eidsvold directed it.

Jørgen Langhelle performed in the production, with three musicians.

Teaterkompaniet's version of Terje Vigen (2015), in which many of the same artists are involved, builds on this production.


(Objekt ID 67581)
Object type Production
Premiere August 30, 2002
Produced by
In collaboration with The National Theatre,
Based on Terje Vigen by Henrik Ibsen
Audience Adults
Language Norwegian
Keywords Theatre, Storytelling theatre, Drama, Music
Running period August 30, 2002  


Kulturkirken Jakob (Jakob Culture Church), 01.11.2016, http://jakob.no/program/arkiv/2016/05/terje-vigen/

The National Theatre on Terje Vigen (2002), www.nationaltheatret.no, 01.11.2016, http://forest.nationaltheatret.no/Productions/EventSeries/2b974343-b0a8-4b58-ae82-9b80a6c98092?event_id=fd33c639-1f4f-4ed7-8d17-0cf9015f491b

Contributors (12)
Name Role
Henrik Ibsen – Playwright
Gard B. Eidsvold – Direction
Terje Johannesen – Composer
Gard B. Eidsvold – Stage design
Jørgen Langhelle – Actor (Terje Vigen)
Maja Bugge – Musician
Martin Horntveth – Musician
Terje Johannesen – Musician
Kine Sørbøe – Stage manager
Bjørn Wiggo Storbråthen – Stage Manager
Ola Erik Blæsterdalen – Sound technician
Lars Abrahamsen – Producer
Performance dates
Festivals (1)
The Ibsen Festival August 30, 2002