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Program for The National Theatre's production The Wild Duck (2004) pdf August 27, 2004 Download

The Wild Duck

The Wild Duck (2004) was a theatre production by The National Theatre, based on the play by Henrik Ibsen. It was staged in The National Theatre's venue Amfiscenen, The Amphi Stage.

Eirik Stubø directed it.

Eindride Eidsvold acted in the role of Gregers Werle.

Gard Eidsvold acted in the role of Hjalmar Ekdal.

Birgitte Larsen acted in the role of Hedvig Ekdal.

Eirik Stubø received an OBIE Award 2007 for his direction of The Wild Duck, after the production had been performed in New York.


(Objekt ID 45155)
Object type Production
Premiere August 27, 2004
Produced by The National Theatre
Based on The Wild Duck by Henrik Ibsen
Audience Adults
Language Norwegian
Keywords Drama, Theatre
Running period August 27, 2004  —  2008


The National Theatre, forest.nationaltheatret.no, 15.05.2015, http://forest.nationaltheatret.no/Productions/EventSeries/0b34626a-a163-4775-9cb6-b3636189a0ce?event_id=192bdd17-4c1d-4e26-80c1-42dfa3ec1a1c

Einar Dahl's private archive, donated by Einar Dahl, 2014.12.14

The National Library of Norway, performance program digitised by The National Library of Norway, transferred to Sceneweb 12.02.2015

Performance dates
March 12, 2008Store scene, Festiviteten i Skien, Ibsen Theatre visiting performance
2008Hovedscenen, Nationaltheatret, The National Theatre Show
2007Amfiscenen, Nationaltheatret, The National Theatre Show
December 2, 2006Piccolo Teatro visiting performance
October 25, 2006Brooklyn Academy of Music / BAM, New York visiting performance
2006Hovedscenen, Nationaltheatret, The National Theatre (The Ibsen Festival) Show
2005 Show
August 27, 2004Amfiscenen, Nationaltheatret, The National Theatre Opening night
Festivals (1)