A Doll's House

A Doll's House is a theatre production by Danish Fix & Foxy, in collaboration with The National Theatre in Oslo and The Royal Danish Theatre in Copenhagen, based on the play by Henrik Ibsen.

Tue Biering and Jeppe Kristensen collaborated in directing it.

In Norway, the production was performed in different private homes as part of The Ibsen Festival 2014. The roles of Nora and Torvald Helmer were performed by non-actors, all of whom lived in the homes used. As part of the performance they were instructed by the actors playing Kristine Linde, Doctor Rank and Nils Krogstad.


(Objekt ID 40870)
Object type Production
Premiere September 17, 2014
Produced by Fix & Foxy
Based on A Doll's House by Henrik Ibsen
Keywords Chamber play


The National Theatre, program for The Ibsen Festival 2014, http://www.nationaltheatret.no/Her+er+programmet!.b7C_wRnG5W.ips

Contributors (3)
Name Role
Henrik Ibsen – Playwright
Tue Biering-Sørensen – Direction
Jeppe Kristensen – Direction
Performance dates
September 21, 2014 20:00 visiting performance
September 20, 2014 20:00 visiting performance
September 19, 2014 20:00 visiting performance
September 18, 2014 20:00 visiting performance
September 17, 2014 20:00 National premiere, Norway
Festivals (1)
The Ibsen Festival September 17, 2014
Press coverage

Chris Erichsen, Hei på deg på Ullern (literally: Hi, you, at Ullern), Scenekunst 30.09.2014:

"I took part the day it took place in Ina and Øystein's home at Ullernåsen in Western Oslo, with some thirty spectators, plus the actors Trude-Sofie Anthonsen, Kristian Winther and Mads Sjøgård Pettersen. The requirement was that the hosts were to act the roles of Nora and Helmer - without preparation. (...) The flaw is in a superficial, poorly thought-out idea. Instead of creating situations which, in force of their potential or real identification factor move, touch and create insight we here became witnesses to a failed attempt at invading the intimate sphere."