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Forestillingsprogram for Teater Jokers produksjon Peer på en pall (2012) - Ibsenfestivalen pdf September 6, 2012 Download

Peer på en pall* (Peer on a pallet)

Peer på en pall* (Peer on a pallet) (2012) is a production by Teater Joker. Peer på en pall is performed in an area of two square meters, for 60 minutes, by six actors.

The production is based on Ibsen's Peer Gynt.

Teater Joker writes the following on its webpage:

"Forget about the fibbing, nagging mother. Forgotten already is the drunkard father who messed away with all they owned. Forgotten are all of those who were near him - just throw it away, all of it; he wants to get up, he wants to get out, he wants to become The Emperor!

Threatened, harassed and a laughing stock for all of the rural society where he lives. Bragged of, sky-high, and lied for by his mother. No wonder he grabs the only chance he has, robs the bride and runs off…?

Fleeing away from home is so easy, away from those who know him, all the ugly words, the stupid little village and the small assignments. He will show them all, and he will handle all the challenges, for he is Peer! Not because anybody asks him. He is to be free! He is to be himself!

And nothing is to get in his way - now he can live his own fairytale."


(Objekt ID 29285)
Object type Production
Premiere September 6, 2012
Produced by Teater Joker
Coproducers The National Theatre
Based on Peer Gynt by Henrik Ibsen
Language Norwegian
Keywords Theatre
Running period August 31, 2012  
Duration 60 minutes

Supported by: SPENN, The Fund for Performing Artists, The Norwegian Composers' Fund, The Audio Visual Fund, and The Norwegian Actors' Equity Association's fund for freelancers.


E-mail from Teater Joker, 29.06.2012

*Not yet translated into English. The title within parentheses is the Norwegian title's literal meaning.

Performance dates
Festivals (1)
The Ibsen Festival September 6, 2012