Title (6) | File type | Publiseringsdato | Download |
Catalogue for Cirka Teater (1999) | 1999 | Download | |
Exhibition catalogue, Cirka Teater 20 years | 2004 | Download | |
Festivalprogram for Bergen Internasjonale Teaterfestivals Teatertreff '86 (1986) | 1986 | Download | |
Flyer for Cirka Teaters produksjon Og så kom Fyren (1985) | 1985 | Download | |
Program for Cirka Teaters produksjon Og så kom Fyren (1985). | 1985 | Download | |
Program for Cirka Teaters produksjon Og så kom Fyren (1985). Engelsk versjon. | 1985 | Download |
Once upon a stove
Once upon a stove (1985) was a theatre production by Cirka Teater.
(Objekt ID 17680)Object type | Production |
Premiere | 1985 |
Produced by | Cirka Teater |
Audience | All |
Language | Norwegian and English |
Keywords | Theatre, Performance for children, Performance for the Family, Outside performance, Street theatre |
Running period | 1985 — 2014 |
Duration | One hour |
Requirements to venue
Minimum stage width | 5m |
Minimum stage depth | 6m |
Minimum stage height | 4m |
Blackout | Yes |
In The catalogue of Performing Arts Hub Norway 86 the following, among other things, is written about Once upon a stove by Cirka Teater:
"The story of a journey in a country in which the land no longer belongs to the humans, and in which the song of the land is no longer sung. The roads have become dangerous to wander, but nobody cares about a poor collector of scraps. She may do what nobody else has the courage to do. She travels the forbidden roads and thinks the forbidden thoughts."
Buresund, Inger and Anne-Britt Gran (1996): Frie grupper og Black Box Teater. 1970-1995 (literally: Independent companies and Black Box Teater. 1970-1995), adNotam Gyldendal, Oslo
Performing Arts Hub Norway, The catalogue of Performing Arts Hub Norway 86, 15.10.2013
Name | Role |
Gilles Berger | – Script |
Anne Marit Sæther | – Script |
Gilles Berger | – Concept/Idea |
Anne Marit Sæther | – Concept/Idea |
Gilles Berger | – Stage design |
Gilles Berger | – Actor |
Martin Høgberg | – Actor (alternerte med Sæther) |
Anne Marit Sæther | – Actor (alternerte med Høgberg) |
June 14, 2014 – Teaterhuset Avant Garden | Show |
February 20, 1992 – Lille scene (Vika), Black Box teater | Show |
February 19, 1992 – Lille scene (Vika), Black Box teater | Show |
February 18, 1992 – Lille scene (Vika), Black Box teater | Show |
February 17, 1992 – Lille scene (Vika), Black Box teater | Show |
1987 (Teaterfestival Nordkalotten) | Show |
September 6, 1986 11:00 – Edvard Griegs Plass 1 (Bergen International Theatre Festival/BIT) | Show |
September 6, 1986 14:00 – Nordnes Bydelshus (Bergen International Theatre Festival/BIT) | Show |
September 5, 1986 18:00 – Nordnes Bydelshus (Bergen International Theatre Festival/BIT) | Show |
February 2, 1986 – Lille scene (Vika), Black Box teater | Show |
February 1, 1986 – Lille scene (Vika), Black Box teater | Show |
January 31, 1986 – Lille scene (Vika), Black Box teater | Show |
January 30, 1986 – Lille scene (Vika), Black Box teater | Show |
1986 (Barneteaterfestival, Trondheim ) | Show |
1986 (Arctic Arts Festival) | Show |
1985 | Worldwide premiere |
Teaterfestival Nordkalotten | 1987 |
Bergen International Theatre Festival/BIT | September 5, 1986 |
Barneteaterfestival, Trondheim | 1986 |
Arctic Arts Festival | 1986 |
Writer and date unknown, Vårt Land [Oslo]:
"She lives rather simply by collecting scraps. She is the apparently simple and naïve person nobody takes notice of. But she sees this thing and that other, and she collects other things, too, things worth a lot more than the garbage. The day she meets The Guy, a stranger who also wanders the roads, as a refugee, the difficult journey through the land in which the roads are closed starts, the land where people are controlled, where thoughts are to be thought in one way only.
The company consists of two actors, Anne Marit Sæther and Gilles Berger. Music, mime, sculpture and some lines, but the most important is the body language."