The Master Builder

The Master Builder (2023) was a theatre production by Vegard Vinge and Ida Müller. The Master Builder was based on the play of the same title by Henrik Ibsen, but included "inserts" from texts by Jon Fosse. The production was performed at The Norwegian Theatre in connection with The International Fosse Festival in 2023.

The production had a lower age restriction of 18 years.

An exhibition opening and conversation between the director Vegard Vinge and dramaturg Julian Blaue, "Bed-In against the apokalypse", was put on as part of the festival’s academic programme on 15 September 2023.  


(Objekt ID 141515)
Object type Production
Premiere September 7, 2023
Produced by
Coproducers The Norwegian Theatre
Based on The Master Builder by Henrik Ibsen; Melancholy by Jon Fosse
Audience Adults (from 18)
Number of events 8
Language Norwegian Nynorsk, Norwegian Bokmål and Norwegian dialect
Keywords Theatre, Video, Multidisciplinary, Drama, Musical theatre, Music, Masked Theatre, Performing arts, Movie, Theatre of the absurd, Ambient theatre, Visual arts, Burlesque, Retelling, Grotesque, Live art, Pantomime, Parody/Travesty, Performance, Post-dramatic theatre, Slapstick, light opera, Tableau, Trash Theatre, Thriller, Ritual
Running period September 2, 2023  —  September 23, 2023
Duration approx. 8 hours
Website Den Internasjonale Fossefestivalen, Byggmeister Solness, Against the Line, BED-IN MOT APOKALYPSEN


The Norwegian Theatre, 29.08.2023,

Festivals (1)