Koreografi ute (literally: Outdoors choreography). Book about outdoors dance, for professionals (2009)


(Objekt ID 68066)
Object type Multimedia
Published 2009
Accession date Navember 17, 2016
Category Text / Book

© Dansdesign

Colours Colour
Page count 155 pages
Background material Paper
Illustration Illustrated
ISBN 978-82-995804-1-0
Themes Book, Dance, Choreographer, Nonfiction
Language Norwegian Bokmål, Norwegian Nynorsk

Koreografi ute (literally: Outdoors choreography) is a Norwegian book for professionals, about outdoors dance. Koreografi ute is made by Dansdesign and published by Teater & Eftf. in 2009.

The book can be read as reflections on the two choreographic works Juv* (Canyon) (2006) and Mot himlaleite* (Towards the area between the mountain and the sky) (2008).

Articles in the book (chronologically):

Halldis Hoaas: Rommet og det multimediale, arbeidet mot en helhetlig iscenesettelse (literally: The space and the multimedial, working towards a coherent staging). 

Bjarne Kvinnsland: Hvilken lyd har dette stedet?  (literally: Which are the sounds of this place?)

Karl Seglem: Om naturlyd, scenelyd - og audmjuk undring (literally: About the sound of nature, the sound of the stage - and humility and wonder)

Marianne Selsjord: Natur i syntetisk 3D. En reise i det ukjente (literally: Nature in synthetic 3D. A journey into the unknown)

Helge Reistad: Fra 4- til 2-dimensjonalt uttrykk. Juv (literally: From a four-dimensional to a two-dimensional expression. Juv* (Canyon))

Katinka Rydin Berge: Kartlegging og innhenting av informasjon (literally: Mapping and gathering information)

Leif Hernes: Hvordan nærme seg et dynamisk utendørsrom koreografisk? (literally: How to approach a dynamic outdoors space choreographically?)

Anne Grete Eriksen: Dialogen med rommet (literally: Dialogue with the space)

Thea Stabell: Teater ute (literally: Outdoors theatre)

Per Gunnar Eeg-Tverbakk: Et hvilket som helst sted  (literally: Any kind of place)

Margunn Sandal: Overskridande rom og heilage stader? (literally: Transcendental spaces and sacred places?)


Helge Reistad's private archive, donated by Helge Reistad, 11.05.2016

*Not yet translated into the English. The title within parentheses is the Norwegian title's literal meaning.

Affiliations (12)